Tag Archives: The Effects of Mold

Can You Get Asthma from Mold Exposure?

Can Mold Give You Asthma?

Can Mold Give You Asthma?

As many asthma sufferers will tell you, mold and fungus can trigger their symptoms with a vengeance. The rest of us should also be concerned because there’s also a link between mold exposure and asthma symptoms in people who have never been diagnosed with asthma.

The common early symptoms of mold-related asthma include:

• Shortness of breath, and discomfort when breathing

• Tightening of the chest

• Wheezing and coughing

• Feeling of tiredness or lack of oxygen when exercising

If your home has a mold or fungus problem and someone in the family already has asthma, their symptoms and asthma attacks can become more frequent and severe.

Treatment for Mold Exposure and Asthma

Take action quickly to get treatment for both the mold problem and mold-related health issues. See a doctor and be sure to mention the mold issues at home, as it may help him diagnose the cause of the symptoms and prescribe an appropriate treatment protocol.

For the mold and fungus exposure, it’s best to seek professional service. Normal household cleaning cannot kill toxins that may be deep within the walls or inside of surfaces.

Modern mold treatment is less invasive and less expensive than traditional methods. Our bio remedial mold treatment avoids the need to open up walls and replace drywall. Instead, we use a safe anti-microbial treatment and apply a polymer seal to trap the mold spores and prevent them from causing further respiratory problems.

In addition to seeking appropriate medical care, contact us at Stern Mold to ask about our NJ and NYC mold treatment services. Our faster, simpler, guaranteed mold treatment is an important first step toward preventing mold-related asthma problems.

The CDC Weighs in on the Problem with Mold

CDC Weighs in on Mold

CDC Weighs in on Mold

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the preeminent organization in the United States devoted to protecting the nation from health and safety risks. Mold is considered such a serious threat that they have devoted an entire section of their website to facts and prevention tips.

Here is some of the helpful information CDC provides about the problem of mold and its impact on your health:

• Mold can be found everywhere. Thousands of species are present both indoors and outdoors, primarily in warm and damp locations, although spores can survive inhospitable conditions.

• Moisture is the primary culprit behind indoor mold. You can reduce the risk of mold infestation by controlling humidity, repairing leaks promptly and keeping damp areas well-ventilated.

• Exposure to mold can trigger upper-respiratory allergic reactions, although you don’t have to specifically suffer from allergies to experience health problems. Symptoms include nasal congestion, coughing and wheezing, and sore throat.

• While Stern Mold offers northern NJ and NYC free mold inspections, it’s not necessary or even recommended to identify the particular species. Any type of mold can present a health risk, so it should always be removed promptly.

• If you suspect mold exposure, consult your primary care physician immediately. He will determine your best course of action, which may include referral to a specialist.

Stern Mold Provides Effective, Eco-Friendly Mold Removal and Prevention

Safeguard the good health of yourself and your family. Schedule your northern NJ or NYC free mold inspection by our experienced and trained technicians. Have more questions? Visit our Mold Information Center to learn more.

Toxic Mold May Trigger Psychiatric Symptoms

Depression Linked to Mold

Depression Linked to Mold

Experts regularly warn about toxic mold as a risk to your physical health, particularly the upper respiratory system. A noted mental health professional recently spoke about the lesser-known link between toxic mold and psychiatric symptoms.

Mold and Biotoxin Illness

Dr. Mary Ackerley of Tucson is an integrative psychiatrist who uses alternative treatments with patients who don’t respond to traditional methods. She is also certified in the Shoemaker Protocol for treating biotoxin illness and chronic inflammatory response.

While Dr. Ackerley was originally unaware of the dangers of mold, she had her first experience with a patient who presented with depression and brain fog along with stomach pains and chronic sinus infections. It turned out that remodeling of the woman’s home had uncovered extensive mold.

The Mold-Brain Connection

Cytokines are proteins that regulate the body’s immune response to foreign organisms. When cytokines are at elevated levels, such as during prolonged exposure to mycotoxins in mold, they can result in neuroinflammation, triggering these psychiatric symptoms.

Dr. Ackerley cited another case of a woman who began suffering from extreme depression and anxiety when her husband performed DIY mold remediation at their home. The doctor pointed out the irony of these patients being told depression is “all in their head” only to discover that there are clear physical causes.

Stern Mold: Effective Mold Remediation for NYC and Northern NJ

As in the cases of these patients, traditional mold remediation can actually aggravate toxic mold symptoms rather than relieve them. Contact us to learn more about our non-toxic, non-invasive MoldExterm process and schedule your free mold inspection by our experienced professional technicians.

Consumer Advocate, Erin Brockovich, Fights Mold Contamination Issues

Loosing Your Dream Home to Mold

Loosing Your Dream Home to Mold

The name “Erin Brockovich” has come to symbolize the consumer fight against illnesses caused by careless actions of big-bucks corporations. She then took on a battle that was literally closer to home, as she and her family dealt with the effects of black mold.

Black Mold and “Sick” Homes

After the landmark victory over Pacific Gas and Electric depicted in the movie that bears her name, Brockovich received a major promotion. She added motivational speaking and consumer activism to her busy workload and bought a million-dollar house near Los Angeles.

Her dream home began to lose its luster when Brockovich, along with her husband and 11-year-old daughter, started experiencing what she described as chronic flu-like symptoms. When she hired a contractor to fix leaks in the home, it was discovered that the house was infested with a mold called Stachybotrys, also known as black mold.

The Long Road to Recovery

Not surprisingly, she refused to let the presence of the mold drive her from her home. Mold remediation was performed one room at a time, for a total cost of $600,000.

The contractor referred Brockovich to an attorney named Alex Robertson, who specializes in toxic mold cases. They filed suit against the builder, subcontractor and former owner of her home, claiming that the mold was a result of water leaks caused by faulty construction.

Stern Mold Serves Home and Business Owners in NYC and Northern NJ

If you discover mold of any type in your home or business, don’t take chances with your health. Avoid expensive mold remediation with our eco-friendly, cost-effective MoldExterm process. Contact us today to learn more and schedule your free inspection.