Tag Archives: Symptoms of Mold Exposure

What the EPA Wants You to Know About Indoor Air Quality

Prevent Illness with NYC Mold Experts

Prevent Illness with NYC Mold Experts

Do you assume the air you breathe in your home or office is clean? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) explains the effects of common indoor air pollutants and why NYC mold removal and other methods of control are essential.

What Is Indoor Air Quality?

Indoor air quality, or IAQ, is a measure of pollutants found in the air inside and surrounding buildings. IAQ is determined primarily from the perspective of factors affecting health and comfort of occupants.

Effects of Exposure to Indoor Air Pollutants

Short-term effects of exposure to pollutants include upper respiratory symptoms such as irritated eyes, runny nose and scratchy throat. Some people may also experience headaches, dizziness and fatigue. Severity of effects is often in proportion to a person’s vulnerability to allergies.

Years of exposure can cause more troubling effects, especially in the elderly or people with pre-existing lung or immune system conditions. Unfortunately, absence of symptoms doesn’t guarantee that a home or building is “clean.”

How Mold Impacts IAQ

Mold spores travel through the air into the respiratory system. Symptoms of exposure to mold and other pollutants are similar to those of colds and other viral conditions. If symptoms diminish or disappear during periods away from a building, that’s a reasonable indication that pollutants are the cause.

Your #1 Choice for Effective NYC Mold Removal

Studies are unclear as to the amount of exposure that constitutes dangerous levels, so don’t take any chances. Contact Stern Mold to schedule a free mold inspection.

What to Know About Mold Poisoning

Don't let mold cost your body more than it should.

Don’t let mold cost your body more than it should.

While not all molds are poisonous, its more dangerous spores exist all around us. Commonly called black mold or toxic mold, these fungi produce toxins in the air that enter our respiratory systems and cause mild to severe symptoms. Learn the facts about mold poisoning to understand why you should consider NYC mold removal to protect your home or building.

What Is Mold Poisoning?

Just like pollen, pet dander, and other allergens, mold is readily found indoors and outdoors. High concentrations of mycotoxins (toxins released by fungus) affect those with allergy, asthma, or compromised immune systems, as well as healthy people.

Mold symptoms include:

– Difficulty breathing (coughing, wheezing)

– Irritation (red eyes, itchy skin)

– Sinus issues (stuffy or runny nose)

– Recurring headaches

– Cold and fever symptoms

– Exhaustion

– Numbness in extremities

– Anxiety and memory loss

Mold Exposure Diagnosis & Treatment

The symptoms of mold poisoning look a lot like other illnesses, so you would need to get a blood test or skin prick test by a doctor to diagnose. Mold testing can also determine if your building has abnormally high levels of mold.

Treatments for symptoms range from over-the-counter antihistamines and decongestants to prescription medications and allergy shots.

Regardless of what a doctor recommends for treatment, the matter will only resolve itself after you’ve had a full-scale NYC mold removal service. This involves cleaning the mold, killing the spores, preventing mold growth, and controlling humidity.

Mold inspections and remediation can be affordable, non-intrusive, and guaranteed to work. Stern Mold offers a free test and quote for NYC mold removal that is environmentally friendly and highly effective. Call 888-887-8376 to schedule an appointment.

Will Sickness from Mold Exposure Go Away – What to Know

Mold May Effect Your Lungs

Mold May Effect Your Lungs

Has your health been negatively impacted by mold exposure? Do you feel like there’s no end in sight to troubling symptoms that plague you daily? If you’re one of the millions who suffer because of mold, there is hope. Our Manhattan mold removal experts at Stern Mold treat mold trouble at its source. We want you to be able to feel normal again!

A Brighter Mold-Free Future

The mold-related symptoms you have shouldn’t be the new normal for you. The itchy eyes, runny nose, scratchy throat, and other upper and lower respiratory symptoms that you may deal with on a daily basis threaten your peace of mind. After you let Stern’s Manhattan mold removal team into your home to remediate mold spores, symptoms may lessen, if not completely go away.

No matter what occurs, it’s important to consult a trusted health professional with extensive knowledge and familiarity with mold exposure to discuss what to do next. Often times prescribed treatments such as antibiotics, temporary inhalers, and antihistamines can extensively relieve or even stop any symptoms you’re experiencing.

Some homeowners decide to tackle mold spores without consulting professionals. Removing mold spores is not an easy task, especially when using traditional methodology. Our Manhattan mold removal team uses advanced remediation techniques to ensure total eradication of mold spores.

Stop the Mold-Malaise

Don’t live your life in a mold spore-induced fog. Migraines, rashes, skin irritation and persistent coughing shouldn’t be a part of your future. Let Stern Mold’s Manhattan mold removal team jumpstart your journey to recovery by contacting us today! We know a mold-free life is a lifestyle that you deserve to be living!

Could Fibromyalgia be Linked to Mold Exposure?

Could Mold Cause Fibromyalgia or Similar Symptoms??

Could Mold Cause Fibromyalgia or Similar Symptoms??

The question, “could fibromyalgia be linked to mold exposure” is one frequently asked because the symptoms of fibromyalgia and illnesses that are mold-related are similar. The answer to the question is that experts cannot be certain, at this time, if mold is linked to fibromyalgia.

Similar Symptoms Between Fibromyalgia and Mold-Related Illness

Several of the symptoms that are similar to mold-related illnesses and fibromyalgia include:

*An overall feeling of tiredness


*On-going fatigue

*Joints and muscles that ache

*Migraines or headaches

Mold-Related Symptoms

Those suffering from a mold-related illness will also experience additional symptoms, along with the ones listed above, such as shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. Patients may also be susceptible to bronchitis, sinus infections, or pneumonia, which are not symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Causes of Fibromyalgia

The cause of fibromyalgia is known but there is no cure. It is felt by experts at the Maryland Medical Center that environmental issues, such as mold and fungus, could be a factor in causing fibromyalgia, but that has not been determined, yet, one way or the other. Some of the factors that contribute to the disease include:


*Hormonal and muscle abnormalities

*An imbalance in the chemicals in the brain


*Disorders of the immune system

*Emotional or physical trauma

If your home is affected by mold or fungus, it’s best to retain the services of professionals in the field of mold removal. At Stern Mold, this is what we do using our MoldExterm System. Our process is fast, requires minimal downtime, there’s no wall removal or drywall repair, and it’s affordable.

If you suspect mold problems, contact us at Stern Mold today.

The Impact of Mold Exposure on Pets – Symptoms to Monitor

The Impact of Mold Exposure on Pets - Symptoms to Monitor

The Impact of Mold Exposure on Pets – Symptoms to Monitor

Much has been written about upper-respiratory symptoms, headaches, depression and other health risks associated with mold exposure. Pets are also living, breathing creatures that can suffer from health problems caused by mold.

Health Symptoms of Mold Exposure in Pets

Small pets, like babies and small children, are the most vulnerable to the effects of mold. Watch for these signs that mold may be impacting your pet’s health:

  • Mold spores can be irritating to an animal’s skin. Is your pet doing a lot of scratching, even if there are no fleas present? He may also develop sores or a skin rash.
  • Pets, like humans, are susceptible to upper-respiratory ailments resulting from mold exposure. If your pet exhibits frequent sneezing and wheezing as well as runny eyes, it may be from inhaling mold spores.
  • Licking and chewing on paws and feet is another common symptom of mold exposure.
  • Keep an eye on your pet’s ears. Watch for infections that may produce a yeasty smell and cause your pet to scratch his ears excessively.

If you observe any of these symptoms, don’t take any chances. Schedule an appointment with your vet for a check-up and appropriate treatment. If necessary, the vet may advise that your pet stay elsewhere temporarily until corrective mold treatment is completed.

Cost-Effective and Non-Toxic Mold Treatment from Stern Mold

Can’t bear to be separated from your pet? Our proprietary MoldExterm process is usually completed within a single day. This eco-friendly method removes mold completely and prevents future recurrences without any toxic products that could harm your family and pets.

Contact us to schedule a free mold inspection by one of our professionally trained technicians.