What is a Mold Remediator and Why Should You Use One?

NORMI Certified
Mold is a common problem that can affect any home or business. Much like common medical conditions, if not treated properly, it can result in serious long-term problems. There are many different types of mold and some are known to be highly toxic. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), exposure to mold can cause asthma in some children and breathing problems in otherwise healthy adults. If you suspect you have mold, don’t take any chances with the health of your loved ones, employees, or customers. Consult a mold expert.
NYC mold remediator
The National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors (NORMI) works to protect the public by certifying mold inspectors, remediators, and environmental professionals with high-quality training. Not all home inspectors are NORMI certified and not all contractors who offer mold remediation services are actually qualified to do so.
Thoroughly inspecting for the presence of mold and effectively eliminating it should only be done by mold experts who are knowledgeable about mold and have years of experience. Be sure any mold professional you hire is a NORMI certified mold inspector and NYC mold remediator.
Remediation vs. treatment
Traditional mold remediation methods are costly and can disrupt a business or household for weeks while walls are torn out and replaced. The MoldExterm treatment method eliminates the mold problem rather than just masking symptoms. It is quicker, safer, and more effective than traditional methods.
Stern Mold has been serving commercial and residential customers in Long Island, New Jersey, and New York City for more than 20 years. Contact us today for a free inspection and consultation on our guaranteed mold extermination treatment.