Typical Traditional Mold Removal Costs Continue to Climb
Mold is part of the environment and serves a useful purpose to the planet. Without it, the world would be a drab landscape of dead and decaying plant matter.
While we don’t want to interfere with Mother Nature outside, we do need to intervene when mold makes its way into the home or business. When this occurs, a NYC mold treatment specialist is needed to remedy the problem.
Causes of Mold
Mold loves moisture; the more the better. Mold also has a healthy appetite and our homes have a buffet of food sources such as window frames, bathroom tile, insulation, and drywall. Basements and crawlspaces are another idyllic mold hideaway.
Mold and Your Health
There’s a list of health issues caused by mold that can cause a variety of issues from skin irritations and headaches to breathing difficulties and allergic reactions.
Mycotoxins are produced by mold, which can be inhaled or come in contact with the skin if exposed to moldy surfaces. This can lead to more serious issues including lung cancer.
Removing Mold
For home or business owners, repairing places affected by mold is the first step. This includes roof leaks and leaking pipes that allow moisture to accumulate. The next step is contacting a professional service.
Mold Testing
When a professional mold specialist is on the job, they’ll examine the area to look for sources of moisture past and present. The indoor air quality is also checked to determine if there are airborne mold spores present.
For a free inspection, contact Stern Mold. Our NYC mold treatment process along with our staff of experts will get your home smelling fresh and mold free.