Celebrity Home Resale Sickens Buyers’ Daughter – Mold Found!

Protect Your Precious Family and Children from Mold
Even the Ultimate Fighting Championship league has a set of rules. According to a couple in California whose daughter developed terrible symptoms of mold-related illness, some of the most important rules of real estate were broken by star fighter Chuck Liddell’s agents.
Did Chuck Liddell Sell a House with Mold?
In 2014, Liddell put his home up for sale and the Smith family expressed interest. The deal fell through, so Liddell’s agent, Dustin Ward, let them rent the house and offered to find them a loan. They wound up in escrow for a home they didn’t really want.
However, the story takes a sordid turn as the Smith’s 9-year-old daughter began suffering from nose bleeds and respiratory problems. They also found a water leak they believe to be preexisting and known to Liddell’s camp.
The family alleges that Liddell and Ward knew about the leak and mold. They believe Ward aggressively pushed the Smiths into the home to cover up a failed inspection and pass off the mold-infested house like a hot potato.
With a conference set for late August, it looks like Liddell and the other defendants will have to agree to a settlement to avoid a trial.
Avoid the Nightmare, Call for NJ Mold Removal!
Home sellers and landlords bear responsibility for offering habitable homes with clear communication about any known mold damage. The good news is that modern NJ mold removal methods include the MoldExterm system which kills and seals off mold without having to renovate.
If your property has leaks, water spots, mildewy smells, or other signs of a mold problem, contact the NJ mold removal experts at Stern Mold.