Tips for Identifying If Your Apartment or Co-Op Has a Mold Problem

Documented Health Problems from Mold Exposure
Do you live in an apartment or Co-Op? Is your health failing? What’s happening? If you’ve experienced troubling symptoms that affect your livelihood, your dwelling may have a mold problem. How do you identify it? Who can you turn to? With a little deductive reasoning, some mold clue-ins and help from your friends on the Stern Mold Treatment NYC team, mold will have no place left to hide!
Know What You’re Looking For
Mold growth can occur at any time. Leaks from neighboring units could be triggering mold growth. It’s important to look for water spots in your area as well. Mold thrives on moisture. When mold spores land on wet surfaces, mold grows. It’s important to address leaks and mold growth quickly to prevent harmful mold exposure from affecting you.
Do you get sick more often when you’re in-house or outdoors? If you notice that your allergy symptoms seem to get better when you are outside, mold might be an issue in your complex. Sneezing, runny nose, wheezing and other symptoms are often linked to a rampant mold infestation.
Mold is versatile. Never assume something isn’t mold. It can be any color, shape or size. If there is a spot in your home that continually looks dusty brown, it could be mold, not dust bunnies!
Contact Us Today!
Does it look like rain or–condensation? Mold loves humidity. Our Stern Mold Treatment NYC experts understand what environments mold thrives in. We want you to thrive instead. We can determine if mold is making a mess out of your home and peace of mind and offer inspections to keep mold out of your life for good!