Tag Archives: Mold Treatment

Is Mold in My Home or Office Really a Fungus?

Not The Fungus You Want

Not The Fungus You Want

So you’ve discovered a patch of something that looks suspiciously like mold in your home or office. You might think it seems to have more in common with dirt or a stain than a fungus. A look at the nature of mold and fungus should dispel any doubts.

Most people’s definition of fungus doesn’t extend beyond “something yucky”. Science defines fungus as an organism similar to a plant with the crucial difference that it lacks chlorophyll. As a result, fungi must seek food from other sources. Since it doesn’t need sunshine to synthesize chlorophyll, mold can flourish in dark areas like basements.

Mold and fungus also lack cellulose, so they need to ingest it in other ways. Materials like carpeting, paper, wood and drywall contain significant amounts of cellulose. These are common items that mold will attach to when growing inside a building.

Another significant difference between plants and fungi is the manner of reproduction. While most plants multiply through the traditional process of fertilization, fungi use an asexual method that centers around the dispersal of spores. These microscopic organisms are carried through the air until they land on a spot where they can begin to reproduce. Water is the crucial element they require, making damp spaces like bathrooms a favored spot.

If you find mold in your home or office, you don’t have to resort to ripping out any fungus-affected surfaces. Our trained technicians use our unique MoldExerm system to remove any trace of mold and treat the surfaces to prevent future occurrences. Contact us today to schedule a free mold inspection.

What is the Issue with Mold Spores?

Mold Spores

Mold Spores

Most people are aware that mold is a part of nature that should remain outdoors. However, spores are the real basis of the problem. They’re the primary reason why an infestation can be so difficult to battle. What makes these seemingly harmless cells so dangerous?

You may remember from high school biology that spores are the means by which mold and fungus propagate. These microscopic organisms travel unfettered throughout the atmosphere, reproducing once they land in an area with the right conditions. This is one of the reasons you’ll often see mushrooms in many of the same places where you find mold.

When it comes to “the right conditions”, tops on the list is a damp place. Mold and fungus need water to grow. Since spores aren’t visible to the naked eye, there’s no way of preventing them from coming to rest in your shower or on a basement wall.

Spores are also the cause of the health threat presented by infestations. Mold itself is not particularly harmful. Allergic reactions and other issues arise when mold spores are inhaled, causing irritation to linings in the upper respiratory system. Some people are highly sensitive to these effects, while others may develop an allergy after prolonged exposure. Studies have also demonstrated a link between exposure to mold spores and development of asthma in children.

Traditional mold remediation can actually aggravate the problem by causing spores to disperse more widely. With the MoldExterm system, affected surfaces are encapsulated and treated with a non-micron mist for safe, effective removal. Visit our website to schedule a free mold inspection from our trained technicians.

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