Tag Archives: Mold Treatment

Why is Dehumidification Important to Treat Mold

Do you believe that keeping your house or office clean is a sufficient defense against mold? The truth is that your housekeeping habits really have no impact. When it comes to mold infestation, the real enemy is water, not dirt.

Mold spores travel through the air unseen by the naked eye. You come into contact with them nearly every day, and no amount of cleaning can remove them from your surroundings. Most of the time they have no effect until they come into contact with moisture, which is the essential ingredient for mold growth. Once a spore lands on a damp spot, it has everything it needs to begin multiplying freely.

This is why humid areas like bathrooms and basements are fertile areas for an infestation. An effective mold removal program requires dehumidification to eliminate problem areas and prevent future occurrences. Air conditioners and dehumidifiers remove moisture from the air, keeping the condensation process from creating damp surfaces.

It’s not just the moisture in the air that you need to be concerned about. Check regularly for plumbing and roof leaks so they can be repaired as soon as possible.

Our proprietary MoldExterm mold removal system includes installation of a professional-grade dehumidifier that controls atmospheric moisture even in hard-to-reach areas. Visit our website to learn more about why the MoldExterm process is superior to outdated remediation methods.

Is Mold Your Nighmare Guest?

According to legend, even vampires must wait to be invited before they enter your home. As demonstrated by a recent story in mold news, this invasive fungus displays no such good manners.

Last September, a surprise “visit” from black mold led to a nightmare of inconvenience and red tape for one Ohio apartment renter. Upon receiving notice of the problem along with photographic evidence, the management company took three weeks just to approve the request for repair.

Unfortunately, the situation became more involved. The renter reported a foul smell emanating from the faucet in her master bathroom, only to be told that “foul water or odor/mold” is not considered an emergency. When maintenance finally responded, they claimed the problem didn’t exist based on inspection of the wrong bathroom.

The renter was forced to submit yet another service request. It ultimately took a visit from the management company’s director of operations to resolve the tangled mess. Final work on the clean-up was due to be completed mid-October, more than one month after the initial report.

While this mold news may sound like the plot of a sitcom, there’s nothing funny about this issue. Continued exposure can result in upper respiratory ailments and other serious physical illnesses. At this point, not all states have clear laws regarding mold so consumers need to be vigilant and persistent.

If you even suspect that mold has taken up residence in your home or office, don’t leave it to chance. Our proprietary MoldExterm treatment provides safe elimination of mold without major disruption to you and other occupants. Visit our website to request a free mold inspection.

The Devastating Effects of Mold: A Real-Life Story

The Effects Of Mold

The Effects Of Mold

Imagine finding your dream home only to have it fall victim to a seemingly innocent substance that occurs freely in nature. This was the unfortunate result for a Pacific Northwest couple whose residence of 24 years was destroyed by an infestation that could have been solved with mold treatment.

Craig and Shelly Johnson were newlyweds in 1990 when they purchased their home in Vancouver, WA, a suburb of Portland, OR. Six years later they completed major renovations, including finishing the basement and adding a bedroom and bathroom. They also had new insulation installed in the attic and redid the exterior with new siding and windows.

Several years later, the couple and their sons began suffering from health problems, beginning with respiratory ailments like bronchitis and pneumonia. Craig and Shelly continued to experience further declines in their conditions that seriously impaired their quality of life, including their ability to work. After failed attempts to determine the cause, a random comment from Shelly prompted Craig’s physician to suggest that their home be tested for toxins.

What they discovered was devastating. During that long-ago remodeling, the bathroom vents had never been installed and they were found laid on top of the attic insulation. In addition, the siding covered up the attic vents, creating the perfect breeding ground for mold. Moisture from years of showers resulted in an attic infested with various types of black and white mold.

Prompt mold treatment is essential to keep the fungus from gaining a foothold in your home or office. Our MoldExterm system eliminates the problem and adds protection to prevent it from reoccurring. Visit our website for more information.

What’s That Smell? Mold!

Sometimes you don’t even have to see mold to know that it’s there. You’ve probably noticed that distinctively musty smell before, perhaps in a damp basement or bathroom. That tell-tale odor can alert you to the presence of mold even if it’s hidden away.

The smell comes from gases produced by mold. Microbial volatile organic compounds, or MVOC, are mostly odorless but some forms create that musty smell. When the smell is present, you are probably inhaling spores along with various compounds manufactured by mold.

Those spores and compounds can raise the likelihood of health difficulties. The most common are upper respiratory ailments such as sinus infections, sneezing and coughing. You may also suffer from red, itchy eyes and a scratchy throat. A mold problem should be addressed regardless of whether or not you experience any physical symptoms.

Mold treatment is the only way to completely remove the smell. While scented candles, potpourri and other air fresheners may help to disguise it, the effect is only temporary. The odor is certainly unpleasant from a cosmetic standpoint, but your health is the main concern.

Not all mold produces an odor, so smell is not the only evidence you should be concerned with. Make it a regular practice to check all the areas such as bathrooms, kitchens and basements where moisture can accumulate.

Our comprehensive MoldExterm system provides safe and effective mold treatment that’s less expensive and intrusive than traditional remediation methods. In most cases our trained technicians can be in and out of your home or office in one day. Contact us to schedule a free mold inspection.

Moisture = Mold – Three Prevention Tips

Water is an essential element for all living matter. Unfortunately, that’s particularly true for mold, which can’t exist without it. Reducing moisture in your home or office is the key to mold prevention.

Microscopic mold spores travel unseen throughout the atmosphere. You come into contact with them almost daily, usually without any consequence. The trouble starts once one of them finds a home on a damp surface. This provides the material for them to begin propagating to the point where they do become a problem.

Bathrooms, basement pipes and other areas where moisture accumulates are prime candidates for mold growth. Controlling the dampness will help to prevent mold from taking hold on these surfaces. Use these tips to reduce the chance of a mold infestation.

  • Regularly inspect your home or office for leaks. Check all faucets, pipes and the roof. If you find a leak, repair it promptly and dry the area thoroughly.
  • Cut down on humidity by running an air conditioner or dehumidifier. This removes moisture from the air, keeping condensation from creating excessively damp surfaces.
  • Make sure your home or office is well-ventilated. Use fans in bathrooms and kitchens and open windows whenever possible to keep fresh air circulating.

If you do find mold in your home or office, you’re not limited to a costly, disruptive remediation process. Our MoldExterm system eliminates the infestation safely and efficiently, usually within one day. Treatment includes mold prevention steps to keep the problem from reoccurring. Contact us today to schedule your free mold inspection.

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