Tag Archives: Mold Treatment

Mold 101: How Mold Poisons Your Body

Mold and Your Health

By definition, a biotoxin is literally a poison produced by a living organism such as mold. Once a biotoxin is ingested into your system, it triggers a chain of processes that can lead to a variety of serious health problems.

How Biotoxins Evade the Immune System

Your body’s immune system serves as the front line of defense against biotoxins and other foreign substances. In most cases, the immune system recognizes the biotoxin as an invader and proceeds to break it down and remove it via the liver.

Complications arise with individuals who don’t have a sufficient supply of HLA-DR, the gene that forms antibodies to target the biotoxin. At this point, the rogue biotoxin cells are free to travel throughout the body.

Biotoxin-Related Symptoms and Illnesses

As the biotoxin starts binding to surface receptors, it generates an inflammatory response which increases the level of cytokines. Resulting symptoms include headaches, fever and inability to concentrate.

The situation is compounded when cytokines begin binding to the receptors, which serves to suppress production of alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH). Low levels of MSH can cause development of the following symptoms:

  • Insomnia and other sleep disturbances
  • Gastrointestinal problems or “leaky gut” syndrome
  • Infections
  • Excessive thirst and frequent urination
  • High blood pressure

Safeguard Your Health with Effective Manhattan Mold Treatment

When exposure to mold continues, biotoxin-related illnesses can become chronic and more difficult to treat. Stern Mold uses a two-step process that provides safer, less invasive and more cost-effective Manhattan mold treatment than traditional remediation.

Contact us today to schedule a free inspection conducted by our cheerful and experienced Manhattan mold treatment technicians.

Mold 101: OSHA Gives Guidance on Mold in the Workplace

Know the Facts About Mold.

Mold At The Work Place

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) requires that all employers provide “safe and healthful working conditions” for all employees. While people often interpret the regulation in terms of physical risks, a workplace should also include clean air without excess levels of mold.

OSHA, the governing body established to enforce the OSH Act, offers tips about detecting and preventing mold exposure in the workplace.

Where Is Mold Found?

Mold spores are present everywhere, but they usually don’t cause problems at normal levels outdoors. Problems arise when the spores land on a damp spot indoors where they can multiply.

Common breeding grounds for mold in the workplace include:

  • Leaky or sweaty pipes
  • Poorly-maintained drain pans
  • Damp foundations
  • Poorly vented kitchens, showers or any area where steam is present

Building-Related Illnesses (BRIs)

A building-related illness is one that includes symptoms objectively found to be linked to specific elements inside the building. Mold-related BRIs are often allergic conditions such as rhinitis, asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis.

Reducing Risk of Mold BRIs

  • Conduct regular inspections for water leaks, damaged door and window seals, and visible mold.
  • Make sure all damp areas and equipment are cleaned and dried as soon as possible.
  • Wherever possible, vent all moisture-generating appliances and equipment to the outside.

Effective Manhattan Mold Remediation for Buildings and Workplaces

Workers compensation claims are some of the biggest expenses for any business. Our two-step MoldExterm Manhattan mold remediation program makes your workplace safer by removing existing mold and preventing future infestations. Contact us today to schedule a free mold inspection by one of our friendly and professional technicians.

Mold 101: Mold and Fungi Grow with Mycelium

Not The Fungus You Want

The Similarities

Mold, fungi and mushrooms all have one thing in common. It’s called the mycelium, which is the vegetative or growing body of any given fungus. That may seem strange to understand, so let’s use the common mushroom as an example.

Mushroom Mycelium

Many people think that a mushroom is the entire plant, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the mushroom is actually the fruit of the mycelium, which grows and thrives beneath the surface of the ground. When two different mycelium meet underground, they join together and produce a fruiting body, in this case a mushroom, and that fruit is what you see above the surface of the ground. The fruiting body produces spores which travel through the air, landing on the ground and growing into new mycelium.

Bathroom Mold Mycelium

Mold, essentially, works the same way as the mushroom. The mycelium looks for cracks and crevices in which to anchor and grow from, which is why the grout on bathroom tile is so appealing.

Once growing, and just like the mushroom, when two mycelium come into contact they send up a fruiting body, but in the case of bathroom mold, these bodies are microscopic. Then again, just like the mushroom, the fruiting bodies send out spores through the air, and the spores will land in other areas and begin to grow.

When it comes to Manhattan mold treatment, Stern Mold is the expert. If you have any questions about black mold, testing and how to get rid of it, please contact us for a free mold inspection. Your Manhattan mold treatment always begins with Stern Mold.

Mold Awareness and Mold Survivors Facebook Group

Mold Survivors

Social media has made it easier than ever for groups of people with a common interest to “gather” for sharing personal stories and seeking information. The “Toxic Mold Awareness & Survivors Page” on Facebook is dedicated to educating people about the dangers of mold exposure.

Spreading the Word About Toxic Mold Awareness

Many of the page’s posts share news stories and literature about various mold-related topics. Some of the information comes from specialists such as Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, author of Surviving Mold, and Kurt and Lee Ann Billings, authors of MOLD: The War Within.

Other posted stories have included:

• An article from Fox News about actress Suzanne Somers and her family’s struggle with toxic mold

• A reference article about AAT deficiency, a lung condition that can be aggravated by inhaling mold

In addition, TM Awareness posts valuable tips about general wellness, such as a list of superfoods that can be added to smoothies.

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

One of the benefits of social media is the ability to share pictures. Photos posted on the TM Awareness page depict extensive mold infestations in attics, showers and other areas of the home. There’s even a picture of a brand of lip balm that has a known problem of developing mold inside the cap.

Professionally-Trained Technicians Provide NYC Mold Treatment

Toxic mold is a serious problem that requires a serious solution. Our proprietary MoldExterm system is a non-invasive and effective answer for NYC mold treatment. Contact Stern Mold today to learn more about our two-step program that eliminates mold and prevents its return.

A First Hand Experience with Mold Contamination

Mold Isn't Just In Old Buildings, Find Out if You're Safe Before It's Too Late.

Mold Contamination

While there has been a great deal written about the problem of mold contamination, nothing is as powerful as hearing a story first-hand. Lee Ann and Kurt Billings wrote their book MOLD: The War Within to share their experiences and findings with others.

Tested Tips for Dealing with Mold Infestation

The Billings book relates a number of practical suggestions based on solutions they used to fight their own mold problem:

• Install a HEPA air purifier in each bedroom for clean sleeping. If that’s a bit of a stretch for your budget, create a temporary communal sleeping room as the Billings family did until they could purchase enough purifiers.

• Open doors and windows whenever possible to minimize exposure to mold and spores.

• Sugar and grains can cause fungi in the body to multiply. Eliminate consumption of these items and choose a diet rich in organic vegetables along with antibiotic- and hormone-free lean meats.

• Become a “food detective” and learn as much as possible about peanuts, corn and other foods that are potential sources of mycotoxins. Don’t rely strictly on labels – that can be misleading.

• Invest in a juicer. Drinking juices made from fresh, organic fruits and vegetables changes the alkaline level in your body, making it difficult for mold and fungi to take hold. For best results, consume the juices within 15 minutes of preparation.

Is Your Home or Office in Need of NYC Mold Treatment?

Did you know you can have a reaction to mold exposure even if you haven’t previously suffered from allergies? Contact Stern Mold to learn more about our non-invasive, eco-friendly NYC mold treatment and schedule your free mold inspection.

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