Tag Archives: Mold Spores

A First Hand Experience with Mold Contamination

Mold Isn't Just In Old Buildings, Find Out if You're Safe Before It's Too Late.

Mold Contamination

While there has been a great deal written about the problem of mold contamination, nothing is as powerful as hearing a story first-hand. Lee Ann and Kurt Billings wrote their book MOLD: The War Within to share their experiences and findings with others.

Tested Tips for Dealing with Mold Infestation

The Billings book relates a number of practical suggestions based on solutions they used to fight their own mold problem:

• Install a HEPA air purifier in each bedroom for clean sleeping. If that’s a bit of a stretch for your budget, create a temporary communal sleeping room as the Billings family did until they could purchase enough purifiers.

• Open doors and windows whenever possible to minimize exposure to mold and spores.

• Sugar and grains can cause fungi in the body to multiply. Eliminate consumption of these items and choose a diet rich in organic vegetables along with antibiotic- and hormone-free lean meats.

• Become a “food detective” and learn as much as possible about peanuts, corn and other foods that are potential sources of mycotoxins. Don’t rely strictly on labels – that can be misleading.

• Invest in a juicer. Drinking juices made from fresh, organic fruits and vegetables changes the alkaline level in your body, making it difficult for mold and fungi to take hold. For best results, consume the juices within 15 minutes of preparation.

Is Your Home or Office in Need of NYC Mold Treatment?

Did you know you can have a reaction to mold exposure even if you haven’t previously suffered from allergies? Contact Stern Mold to learn more about our non-invasive, eco-friendly NYC mold treatment and schedule your free mold inspection.

Inhalation of Mold and Dust – a Health Hazard

Inhaled Mold Spores Can Be Detrimental to Health

Inhaled Mold Spores Can Be Detrimental to Health

Big things come in small packages, and that applies to health risks as well. Dust and mold spores may not be visible to the naked eye, but they can have a serious impact on your physical well-being. Why do these microscopic particles create such a threat?

Mold Spores: Small but Mighty

Even the largest mold spores measure only 40 microns. In comparison, a human hair ranges from 100 to 150 microns. At that size, it’s easy for spores to slip past the natural filtering in your nasal passages, causing irritation to your upper respiratory system that triggers allergic reactions.

People who don’t generally suffer from allergies can still experience mild symptoms, such as wheezing and a runny nose, but the more sensitive an individual is, the more serious the effects. Reactions can range from chronic sinus infections to asthma attacks as well as lung infections in people with compromised immune systems.

Dangers of Dust in the Air

Dust is always present in the air, but treatments like traditional mold remediation can aggravate their presence. When building materials are removed, chemical vapors, silica particles and other irritants are released to combine with existing dust motes. Such disturbances also stir up mold spores that are dispersed into the air, where they can enter your system or find a new surface where they will continue to multiply.

State-of-the-Art Mold Remediation in NYC and northern NJ

Stern Mold uses a proprietary system called MoldExterm for effective and eco-friendly mold removal. Visit our website to learn more about why MoldExterm is superior to traditional mold remediation.


Mold Spreads Via Spores – What Are They

Mold is a serious problem. Much like rust, it will get worse, continue spreading, and cause serious damage if not properly removed. It spreads via spores and these tiny units of reproduction are resilient and highly prolific.

What is mold?

Mold is a fungus that destroys any organic matter is attaches to like leaves, wood, and paper. It grows on the surface of these materials and may be black, blue, green, or some combination. The color is typically determined by its nutrient source and the age of the mold colony. It requires moisture, a food source, and oxygen. The ideal temperature range for mold is between 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4.4 degrees Celsius) and 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius).

How mold spreads?

The mold colony grows and will cover many square feet of a surface. It also produces spores. The spores can survive in dry and harsh conditions that the colony cannot. The spores travel easily on indoor and outdoor air. These spores may reproduce sexually or asexually depending on how the spore was formed. Mold spores are smaller than pollen, dust, and many other air-borne irritants. This allows the mold spores to escape many filtering mechanisms.

Health risks?

Many people are not adversely affected by low levels of exposure to mold spores. However, long-term exposure to low levels may be as harmful as short-term exposure to high levels of mold. People with asthma or a compromised immune system are at highest risk of problems.

Don’t take any chances. Stern Mold uses the advanced MoldExterm system to eliminate mold and prevent it from coming back. Contacts us for a free quote.

The Real Problem with Mold

Mold Where It Should Be

Mold Where It Should Be

Mold suffers from a bad reputation, but it actually serves a valuable purpose outdoors. It acts as Mother Nature’s recycler, breaking down organic materials  like dead trees. The problem with mold arises when stray spores drift indoors and latch onto a damp surface.

You actually encounter mold nearly every day, although you’re not aware of it due to the microscopic size of the spores. The reason they become a problem indoors is because there’s not enough ventilation to diffuse the spores as there is outside.

Once mold becomes established indoors, you’re at risk for a wide variety of health problems. Most of them are allergic reactions affecting the upper-respiratory system, such as sneezing and itchy, watery eyes. Inhaling mold can cause irritation in the nose, throat and lungs even in non-allergic individuals. Coming in contact with a mold infestation can also cause a skin rash.

Mold can be harmful to the health of your home or building as well. It can begin decomposing surfaces just as it does with outside materials. For instance, a leak in a wooden window can cause the frame to rot. Negative effects include increased energy costs and expensive window replacements.

If you suspect you have a mold problem, you may be picturing the drastic process of traditional remediation which involves physically removing any affected surfaces. Our innovative MoldExterm system safely and effectively removes mold and adds a polymer sealer to prevent future infestations. The process is usually completed with a day, causing less interruption to your daily activities. Call 888.887.8376 to schedule a free mold inspection.

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