Tag Archives: mold law

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Weighs in on Mold and Dampness in Buildings

Don't Let Your Workplace Be Toxic!

Don’t Let Your Workplace Be Toxic!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that people with asthma or hypersensitivity pneumonitis may develop a more serious disease if they are exposed to mold and dampness in a building on an ongoing basis. That and other information about preventing occupational respiratory diseases from exposure to mold is in an alert issued by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

Protect the health of your employees

Some business owners might postpone taking corrective action because they think NJ mold removal will cost a lot of money and require their business to shut down for a long time. However, allowing dampness and mold to remain in your building puts the health of your employees at risk.

High indoor humidity, minor roof leaks, or window leaks can lead to mold, fungi, and bacteria. According to NIOSH, mold can adapt to different moisture conditions. The report goes on to say that studies have found when otherwise healthy people are continuously exposed to dampness and mold in buildings they can develop asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, bronchitis, and respiratory infections.

Legal requirements for employers

A survey of office workers in Britain found that 70 percent of them believe their workplace has indoor air pollution. American companies are required by the General Duty Clause of the OSH Act to maintain a safe workplace for employees and correct any known issues that could lead to serious illness, injury, or death.

Contact the mold experts at Stern Mold to put your mind at ease and prevent illnesses from mold and dampness inside your building. The MoldExterm method is quicker, cleaner, and less costly than traditional NJ mold removal methods.

Mold Litigation in 2017 – Is Suing Worth the Trouble?

Mold Litigation in 2017 - Is Suing Worth the Trouble?

Mold Litigation in 2017 – Is Suing Worth the Trouble?

Every time someone files a mold lawsuit, old arguments get rehashed and new science comes to light. In recent years, doctors and researchers have linked mold with many potential health issues. The fact that mold aggravates problems for people with weak respiratory systems cannot be disputed.

At the same time, a mold lawsuit can be an expensive and trying ordeal. A recent mold litigation study points out that many plaintiffs get caught up fighting for big dollars and wind up with less than expected.

Can You File a Mold Lawsuit Against a Landlord or Employer?

While laws vary by state, it’s generally true that landlords and employers are responsible for providing habitable conditions and responding to mold complaints appropriately. For instance, a building owner may be liable for health care costs, mental anguish, and more, if they were negligent about a water leak that caused the mold.

There are many hurdles to filing and winning a mold lawsuit:

  • Documenting the mold damage
  • Proof the defendant knew about the issue, was irresponsible, and didn’t provide mold treatment
  • Evidence of health problems linked to mold, such as lung infections, adult onset asthma, and gastrointestinal disorders caused by mycotoxins
  • Paying legal fees, court costs, expert witness fees, and other expenses without being certain you’ll win the case

Only an attorney can tell if you should file a mold lawsuit. In our experience, it may be easier to communicate with all parties involved, get mold treatment to clean up the building, and avoid the hassle.

Struggling with mold exposure symptoms? Contact Stern Mold for mold treatment in the NYC area, guaranteed to prevent mold from returning for five years.

What’s Your Mold Lawsuit Worth Today?

What's Your Mold Lawsuit Worth Today?

What’s Your Mold Lawsuit Worth Today?

When people argue about mold exposure, tension and emotions run high. Too often, especially between tenants and landlords, the situation needs resolution in the legal system. Courts have awarded enormous personal injury awards to people suing for mold problems.

In most cases, the plaintiff has suffered illnesses related to mold and the party responsible for cleaning up the mold did not act fast enough to remediate the problem.

Back in 2001, a mold lawsuit set a new standard for damages when a California jury ordered an apartment complex to pay $2.7 million to the Mazza family. The case put landlords and insurance companies on notice that suing for mold problems is serious business.

Million-dollar mold lawsuits still pop up every few years. At a minimum, guilty parties might have to pay tens of thousands or more to cover medical bills, lost wages, alternative housing, and ruined belongings.

Suing for Mold Problems: What Landlords and Tenants Should Do

The best advice for apartment renters and commercial tenants who suspect mold damage: document everything you can. Take pictures, seek medical attention, and build your case to prove to the landlord that action must be taken (or to present to lawyers later).

For landlords and businesses, early action is almost guaranteed to cost significantly less than litigation.

Stern Mold offers a scientifically advanced method of mold treatment that costs less and is less intrusive (no tearing out drywall) than most people imagine when they think of classic mold remediation methods. Compared to lawyer fees, medical fees, and the public shame of being sued for mold, it’s a no-brainer to get a free mold inspection and settle disputes quickly.

Public Housing Apartments To Be Air Tested for Mold Spores

Don't Let Mold Problems Give You a Headache, Get Treatment Now

Don’t Let Mold Problems Give You a Headache, Get Treatment Now.

In a nightmare scenario for both tenants and the building owner, residents of an apartment complex in Toledo have recently been told to evacuate indefinitely for mold testing and treatment. The residents are using vouchers to subsidize their rent, and the local housing authority that usually provides the vouchers pulled their funding due to the many mold complaints.

This situation could easily happen in New Jersey, as well. Ultimately, the tenants are moving because the vouchers come from federal dollars—and federal guidelines for mold in public housing are very strict.

Landlords: First in Line to Solve Mold Complaints

After the drawn-out legal battle with NYCHA mold problems a few years ago and a series of notable apartment mold problems across the country, it’s clear that judges and regulators are cracking down on mold treatment.

Property owners should be prudent and call for NJ mold removal when tenants report mold. As is typical, the issue went untreated in a few units and spiraled into a building-wide problem.

The Convenient Solution for NJ Mold Removal

Safe to say, it’s cheaper and easier to bring in a NJ mold removal company than to face the headache, bad press, and income loss from something like a forced eviction.

Many property owners ignore mold complaints at first to give the tenant time to clean it themselves and out of fear that mold remediation will be costly and disruptive.

At Stern Mold, we can treat mold and prevent future problems without the need to open walls or relocate tenants. Contact us to schedule a free inspection and find out more about our MoldExterm system for NJ mold removal.

Tips for Suing Your Landlord for a Mold Infestation

Mold Spores Stay in the Air Causing Health Problems

Mold Spores Stay in the Air Causing Health Problems

Researchers have linked mold to a number of physical and cognitive health problems. If you or a family member sustains a serious impairment related to mold exposure in a leased house or apartment, how do you go about getting the compensation you deserve?

Suing a Landlord for Mold-Related Problems

If you suffer mold-related damages, the first step is to get evidence of the presence of mold and its level of toxicity. This information will be submitted by your lawyer during the discovery phase of the lawsuit, when each side gets to see and review facts that will be presented by the opponent.

Lawyers have different specialties and areas of expertise, so you should obtain the services of one who is familiar with mold cases. Nolo, a website offering legal information to consumers, has a directory of lawyers that can be searched by experience, fees, and geographic area.

You will definitely need representation if your damages are substantial, but if they run less than $10,000 you can handle the case yourself in small claims court. Confirm the limits in your state before proceeding. You may also be required to first send a demand letter to your landlord as a condition of filing.

Will Insurance Cover Mold-Related Expenses?

Depending on your policy, renters’ insurance may cover damages to possessions with either replacement or repair costs. If your health insurance doesn’t cover your medical bills, you’ll need to file suit against your landlord to recover.

Stern Mold: Providing Top NY Mold Removal Service Since 1995

Do you need NY mold removal for your home or business? Contact us to schedule a free mold inspection by our experienced technicians.

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