Tag Archives: Mold Information

Mold Information for Immune-Compromised Individuals

YMold Information for Immune-Compromised Individuals

Mold Information for Immune-Compromised Individuals

If you struggle with immune system deficiencies, hiring a trusted NYC mold removal team can be a life-changing step. Humid air in contact with cold walls and cooler air has the potential to produce harmful mold.

What does this spell for you? Trouble. Understanding the tell-tale signs of mold growth or simply recognizing what environments are ideal for mold spore growth can literally be your most vital line of defense.

Are You Immune?

Immune-compromised individuals shouldn’t have to live in fear that their home or workplace threatens their very health. If your immune system struggles to fight off fungal infestations, you should not attempt to clean where you suspect or know mold is cohabitating. Check this list to see if you or those you live or work with have dealt with any of these health issues in the past:



– Various types of cancer

– Any Auto Immune Disorder

The removal of the spleen and certain medications, especially chemotherapy, can lower your immune system’s defense against health-threatening mold spores. Remember, even if you’ve never had any of the complications listed above, you could still be sensitive to mold exposure.

If you need more information, our NYC mold removal experts can help you find out how mold is actually impacting your life.

Check the Signs

Your body’s immune system is meant to protect you from bacteria, viruses, and mold. When it’s not functioning properly, the white blood cells that fight off potential threats may be rendered ineffective against the onslaught of mold spores. Contact Stern Mold today and we’ll help you keep mold away so you can focus on what’s really important: stabilizing your health!

Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (mVOCs) – What Are They?

Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (mVOCs) - What Are They?

Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (mVOCs) – What Are They?

What are mVOCs, also known as Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds? First of all, they can negatively impact your health. There is much research to be done to discover exactly how damaging mVOCs are to our daily lives. Our Stern Mold Manhattan mold removal team of experts understand that mVOC is code for potential health hazards.

Defining the mVOCs

mVOCs really stink–literally! Fungal metabolic Microbials often produce scents quite unappealing to the human nose. They spread their poison throughout the air and can deal debilitating blows to your immune system. If you struggle to maintain good health, you may be facing or vulnerable to a silent attack from mVOCs. When you suffer from mold exposure, you are most likely suffering through a mVOC complication.

Fighting the Unknown

Information can play an effective role in preventing mVOCs from infecting your day-to-day routines. Your power of observation coupled with a trusted Manhattan mold removal company can help determine what mVOCs are inflicting in your home or business. Here are some of the symptoms invasive organic compounds could trigger in you:

– Headaches/Migraines

– Periods of dizziness

– Unexplained fatigue

– Eye irritation (itchiness, redness)

– Nasal irritation

– Nausea

– Upper respiratory issues

Stern Mold Keeps You In the Know

Our Manhattan mold removal team strives every day to restore to you the normalcy and the higher quality of life you, your employees or family members deserve. Mold doesn’t pick favorites. Everyone is potentially vulnerable to health intrusions caused by mVOCs. Through our research and tried and tested mold remediation solutions, we combat mold spores so you can live happily. Contact us today and allow us to keep unwelcome airborne substances from infiltrating your life.

What to Know About New Jersey Winter Mold Problems

What to Know About New Jersey Winter Mold Problems

What to Know About New Jersey Winter Mold Problems

The chilly New Jersey winter season is here. While temperatures are freezing, you could be tucked away snug in your home content to ride out the weather. Everything may seem right in your world, but unknowingly you may be in the company of some unwanted guests!

Mold spores love moisture and warm air. Cold temperatures, moisture-laden air, and heat breed mold, so mold spores could be growing in your home right now. The cozy, tranquil interior of your home could be filled with the discordant cacophony of continuous coughing because mold only lays dormant until moisture comes around.

Stern Mold’s Manhattan mold removal team won’t rest until your life-disrupting mold is gone!

Manhattan Mold Removal Team’s Go-To Tips

Mold spores don’t take a winter vacation. Mold can be troublesome in winter because mold irritants trigger symptoms similar to cold or flu viruses. How do you know if you are experiencing a virus or the effects of mold? Prolonged symptoms of throat irritation, sinus issues, rashes or other debilitating health concerns may hint at mold spores existing in your home. Here are a few tips to help keep your home mold-free:

– Monitor the humidity level in your home. High humidity is a mold haven.

– Regularly vacuum and clean your home.

– Cover crawl spaces with polyethylene plastic.

– Make sure gutters and downspouts keep water flowing away from your foundation.

– Keep materials that mold spores feed on, such as books or clothing, away from walls and out of areas that have high humidity.

The Manhattan mold removal team at Stern Mold will help your home stay mold-free! Click here to set up a mold inspection appointment today!

Cold Weather? No Problem; Mold Keeps Growing.

Cold Weather? No Problem; Mold Keeps Growing.

Cold Weather? No Problem; Mold Keeps Growing.

You may think cold weather keeps mold under control. Actually, because of excess moisture in the winter and spring months, spores find indoor areas a great feeding ground. Condensation forms as heat meet cold walls or attic spaces. NYC mold removal experts know that while some of nature hibernates, mold spores don’t sleep. What can you do to keep mold from ruining your peaceful slumber?

Cozy Up Your Space

Preparing a home or business for frigid temperatures is a smart way to safeguard personal property. There are also effective methods you can implement to keep your home comfortable and mold out. Below are some suggestions you can use to keep health-harmful mold away:

– Consider investing in a dehumidifier. New York has humidity levels that increase the chances of mold developing in your space. A dehumidifier can help you regulate the air and keep moisture out.

– Ask a trusted NYC mold removal expert to inspect areas in your home that have had leaks in their past, or may be prone to excessive moisture. A thorough inspection can help determine what to do next.

– Have your roof inspected. If your roof needs repair it could mean that mold has already gotten in.

– Seal off any areas where moisture can come in uninvited. You can keep your home cozy while stopping mold from invading.

Stern Keeps You Safe

Weather-proofing pipes, sealing windows and stocking up on heat sources play a vital role in protecting your property. Who takes care of your needs? Contact Stern Mold’s NYC mold removal experts and discover how we’ve got all your mold remediation needs covered! You can live a healthy life mold-free today!

Brace Yourself: Mold Spores Grow in Cold Uninsulated Spaces

Brace Yourself: Mold Spores Grow in Cold Uninsulated Spaces

Stern’s NYC mold removal experts know the truth! The onslaught of freezing temperatures doesn’t guarantee your home or business is safe from mold. Mold spores are very resourceful. How do you brace yourself for a mold attack? Remaining diligent is key.

In Your Best Interest

How do you keep mold from creating an insurmountable dent in your spending budget? Typically, humid climates and unaddressed leaks are prime suspects in enabling a thriving mold environment, but Stern’s NYC mold removal experts will be the first to tell you mold doesn’t play favorites.

Mold spores attach easily and can grow on uninsulated exterior walls, spaces, and materials during the colder seasons. A closer evaluation of your property can shed some clarity on potential mold threats and future costs.

A Chilly Welcome

During winter, a dependable heat source can keep the chill away. When warm air meets an unprotected cold surface in your building, moisture-seeking mold could latch on. Even if you turn off your source of heat, that’s no guarantee mold will not find its way into your building or residence.

Even if you give mold a chilly reception, mold spores are notorious for finding a way to destroy your health and happiness. That’s why it’s important to periodically check for mold spores in or around building areas like these:

– Exterior windows that have no surrounding insulation.

– Exterior walls exposed to cold temperatures.

– Cold room(s) or closets along outer walls.

– Basements or attics where condensation can collect without being noticed.

Are you worried you have mold in your home? Contact Stern Mold today to find out how their solutions can warm your heart and hearth this winter!

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