Interior Mold is a Winter Problem

Interior Mold is a Winter Problem
A lot of people falsely believe that mold isn’t a problem they need to worry about during the winter. They think that because the atmosphere is naturally colder, conditions aren’t as good for it to grow. Unfortunately, your Manhattan mold removal experts have seen more than their fair share of mold problems during this time of year. When it comes to mold in your home, staying vigilant during the winter months is very important.
Where is Mold More Likely to Occur During Winter?
A lot of people complain about mold in their homes during the winter months. The air is dryer, but that doesn’t mean your home isn’t at risk. You’re most likely to see mold growing in your attic and your basement during this time of year. It can also grow inside your home’s walls.
Any humidity in your home is likely to rise to the attic, which is where mold is most likely to form. It can affect the wooden rafters as well as your attic’s insulation.
Your Manhattan Mold Removal Experts Stop Mold in its Tracks
There are several things you can do prior to calling a professional to deal with your mold problem. You can:
• Attempt to clean the mold using either bleach or vinegar.
• Fix any leaks in your kitchen or basement, and keep these areas dry.
• Check and fix any ventilation problems in your attic.
If you need Manhattan mold removal services, please contact us for a free inspection!