Tag Archives: Mold Color

What Color is Mold? Is It Always Black?

Black Mold Isn't the Only Kind of Mold You Should Look for

Black Mold Isn’t the Only Kind of Mold You Should Look for

The mold family includes thousands of types and colors, but if you are only familiar with black, it’s probably because of the media attention given to it and mold remediation. Read on for the most common types of mold encountered in your home or place of business.


Green is generally thought to be a variety of fungus, though there are thousands of species of green mold in the world.

Brown/Gray/Olive Green

Molds in this color family are common Cladosporium. You will find it on plant leaves outside and inside a house or building. It can grow on walls and carpet that is damp.


Belonging to the Penicillium genus, these molds were once used to create the antibiotic penicillin. It grows on food and walls and is one of the most common molds that bother people with allergies.


The Aspergillus molds family includes yellow, black and green molds are commonly inhaled every day. People with compromised immune systems and weak lungs can develop aspergillosis, a condition that includes coughing and sinus issues, as well as more serious health problems.


The black or gray mold Alternaria, primarily an outdoor mold, has been found in a high percentage of indoor dust samples and has been linked asthma.


If you find mold of a pinkish color in your home, it’s most likely a bacteria form, not a mold in the true sense. It can develop on soap or shampoo containers or on shower walls.

Do you need professional mold remediation in your home or business? Our eco-friendly two-step process usually is completed in one day. Contact us today to schedule a free mold inspection.


What Color Can Mold Be? Is It Always Black?

Unsure of What Mold Lurks in Your Office?

Unsure of What Mold Lurks in Your Office?

Do you know what color mold is? If your answer is “black,” you’re only partially correct. While black mold gets most of the attention, mold comes in thousands of varieties and a wide range of colors.

Here’s an overview of the most commonly found types of mold and their colors. Experts agree that regardless of the color, interior mold growth should be treated with professional mold remediation.


Stachbotrys, the scientific name for black mold, is more accurately described as greenish-black. This species feeds on high-cellulose, low-nitrogen materials, such as drywall or paper, that have a constant source of moisture from flooding, leaks or humidity.

Yellow, Green or Black

These colors are often a sign of Aspergillus, a mold that’s frequently found both indoors and outdoors. Since this mold is so widespread, you inhale the spores nearly every day without ill effects. Aspergillus can cause a serious illness called Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis in people with preexisting lung problems or compromised immune systems.

Blue, Green or White

Lighter colors are usually associated with Penicillum, which is often found on food. Penicillum was the genesis for the discovery of the penicillin antibiotic.

Black or Grey

Black or grey Alternaria is generally found outdoors around damp soil and plants. However, one study found Alternaria in more than 90 percent of the household dust samples that were tested.

Need Mold Treatment in Your NYC or Northern NJ Home?

Traditional mold remediation is no longer the standard treatment. We use an eco-friendly two-step process that can usually be completed in one day, and without any structural damage. Contact Stern Mold today to schedule your free mold inspection.