Tag Archives: Mold and Your Health

WebMD Weighs in On Mold Health Issues

Health Risks of Mold

Health Risks of Mold

Each month nearly 10 million people turn to WebMD for medical information and advice about managing their health. Here’s what the site has to say about the risks of indoor mold and fungus as well as tips for controlling its growth.

Health Risks of Mold

Touching or inhaling mold spores can result in allergic reactions such as sneezing, itchy and runny eyes, and skin rashes. While symptoms are more intense in people who are sensitive to mold, they can also occur in people who are not normally prone to allergies.

Individuals with pre-existing upper respiratory conditions like asthma are extremely susceptible to symptoms of mold exposure. Others at high risk include infants and children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems.

Moisture: The Lifeblood of Mold

Mold is omnipresent so it’s impossible to eliminate completely, but you can take measures to prevent mold from infesting indoor surfaces. The most important step is controlling moisture, which is the main ingredient that mold needs to thrive.

If you find mold and fungus growing in your home or building, this means the conditions are right, whether it’s due to a broken water pipe, excess humidity or leak in the basement. Removing the mold is only a cosmetic solution, and the problem will reoccur unless you address the underlying cause.

MoldExterm Destroys Mold and Fungus, Not Your Home or Building

Do you suspect mold in your NYC or northern NJ home or business? Stern Mold’s proprietary MoldExterm system removes fungus and lays down a protective barrier while sparing walls, counters and other building materials. Contact us today to schedule a free mold inspection from our professionally trained technicians.

Can You Get Asthma from Mold Exposure?

Can Mold Give You Asthma?

Can Mold Give You Asthma?

As many asthma sufferers will tell you, mold and fungus can trigger their symptoms with a vengeance. The rest of us should also be concerned because there’s also a link between mold exposure and asthma symptoms in people who have never been diagnosed with asthma.

The common early symptoms of mold-related asthma include:

• Shortness of breath, and discomfort when breathing

• Tightening of the chest

• Wheezing and coughing

• Feeling of tiredness or lack of oxygen when exercising

If your home has a mold or fungus problem and someone in the family already has asthma, their symptoms and asthma attacks can become more frequent and severe.

Treatment for Mold Exposure and Asthma

Take action quickly to get treatment for both the mold problem and mold-related health issues. See a doctor and be sure to mention the mold issues at home, as it may help him diagnose the cause of the symptoms and prescribe an appropriate treatment protocol.

For the mold and fungus exposure, it’s best to seek professional service. Normal household cleaning cannot kill toxins that may be deep within the walls or inside of surfaces.

Modern mold treatment is less invasive and less expensive than traditional methods. Our bio remedial mold treatment avoids the need to open up walls and replace drywall. Instead, we use a safe anti-microbial treatment and apply a polymer seal to trap the mold spores and prevent them from causing further respiratory problems.

In addition to seeking appropriate medical care, contact us at Stern Mold to ask about our NJ and NYC mold treatment services. Our faster, simpler, guaranteed mold treatment is an important first step toward preventing mold-related asthma problems.

What Doctors Treat Mold Related Illnesses?

What Doctor Treats Mold Related Illness?

What Doctor Treats Mold Related Illness/

The symptoms of mold-related illnesses often vary by individual. Mold exposure affects people differently and may cause several systems in a person’s body. While some people may exhibit multiple symptoms, others may show few or none. There are countless stories of doctors giving patients one diagnosis after another because they do not know how to identify mold-related illnesses.

Be informed about mold and your health. When you or a loved one is seriously ill, you do not want to rely on someone’s best guess. You need the most accurate diagnosis possible that is based on the latest information and testing.

Mold-related illnesses

Mycotoxins are the toxic byproducts of mold colonies. These toxins are the main cause of mold-related illnesses. Mold spores, whether toxic or non-toxic, can irritate eyes, sinuses, and worsen asthma for many people. Elderly individuals and others with compromised immune systems are at greater risk of illness due to mold exposure.

When foreign antigens enter and stay in the body of otherwise healthy individuals, their immune systems are constantly fighting back. This can lead to chronic illness, inflammation, allergies, and many other symptoms.

Finding a doctor knowledgeable about mold-related sickness

Technology that can accurately detect mycotoxins in a person has only recently been developed. There are a small number of labs that do mycotoxin testing. For a complete list of doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating mycotoxin-related illnesses, visit the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. Elimination and prevention of mold are the best methods to avoid mold-related problems. Be proactive about mold and your health. Contact Stern Mold for a free consultation and mold treatment in Northern NJ and NYC.

The CDC Weighs in on the Problem with Mold

CDC Weighs in on Mold

CDC Weighs in on Mold

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the preeminent organization in the United States devoted to protecting the nation from health and safety risks. Mold is considered such a serious threat that they have devoted an entire section of their website to facts and prevention tips.

Here is some of the helpful information CDC provides about the problem of mold and its impact on your health:

• Mold can be found everywhere. Thousands of species are present both indoors and outdoors, primarily in warm and damp locations, although spores can survive inhospitable conditions.

• Moisture is the primary culprit behind indoor mold. You can reduce the risk of mold infestation by controlling humidity, repairing leaks promptly and keeping damp areas well-ventilated.

• Exposure to mold can trigger upper-respiratory allergic reactions, although you don’t have to specifically suffer from allergies to experience health problems. Symptoms include nasal congestion, coughing and wheezing, and sore throat.

• While Stern Mold offers northern NJ and NYC free mold inspections, it’s not necessary or even recommended to identify the particular species. Any type of mold can present a health risk, so it should always be removed promptly.

• If you suspect mold exposure, consult your primary care physician immediately. He will determine your best course of action, which may include referral to a specialist.

Stern Mold Provides Effective, Eco-Friendly Mold Removal and Prevention

Safeguard the good health of yourself and your family. Schedule your northern NJ or NYC free mold inspection by our experienced and trained technicians. Have more questions? Visit our Mold Information Center to learn more.

Biotoxin Illness and Mold Interaction

Are You Experiencing Symptoms Caused By Mold Toxicity?

Are You Experiencing Symptoms Caused By Mold Toxicity?

The generic term “mold illness” has been used to cover a variety of different ailments caused by exposure to fungi. While some reactions are due to allergies, doctors have identified a specific condition known as biotoxin illness that goes much deeper than just sneezing and coughing.

How Your Body Fights Toxic Mold

Your body’s immune system is charged with protecting you from bacteria, viruses and other foreign cells, including mycotoxins found in mold and mold spores. For many people, their immune systems will identify these toxins and produce antibodies to target and neutralize them.

Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, a pioneer in the study and treatment of biotoxin illness, found that up to 25 percent of the population have immune systems that are genetically unable to produce this response. This condition has been named Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).

Immune Systems “Gone Haywire”

People with CIRS have genetic markers that let their immune systems run unchecked. When invading cells (known as antigens) enter their system, antibodies are unable to clear them. As a result, their immune system continues to assault the antigens, causing a chronic state of inflammation.

If you have CIRS, mold exposure can cause multiple symptoms, ranging from fatigue, weakness and joint pain, to mood swings, vertigo and “brain fog.” There is no easy way to determine beforehand if you suffer from CIRS, so effective mold remediation is crucial for any occurrence.

Do You Suspect Mold in Your NYC or Northern NJ Home?

Don’t take chances with your family’s health. Contact Stern Mold today to schedule your free inspection and get more information about our proprietary MoldExterm mold remediation process.

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