Tag Archives: Mold and Health Issues

The Cost of Litigation of Untreated Mold Problems

Worried About a Possible Mold Issue? Think About the Kids.

Worried About a Possible Mold Issue? Think About the Kids.

What is the price of your family’s health? As organizations such as the Environmental Protective Agency (EPA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continue to warn about mold and fungus as serious causes of illness, courts are becoming more likely to award monetary damages.

Failure to address moisture and mold problems can result in serious liability for property owners. Here are two cases where landlords and home owners were held responsible for significant damages caused by lack of mold treatment.

Former NBA Coach Cited for “Technical Foul”

After former NBA player and coach Rudy Tomjanovich and his wife sold their Pacific Palisades home, the purchaser sued over lack of disclosure concerning water leaks accompanied by mold and fungus. The couple claimed that there had been only one leak that was promptly repaired, and they blamed the non-disclosure on their attorneys.

The Tomjanovichs were ordered to pay more than $3 million in compensatory and punitive damages. This case underscores the fact that water damage and remediation efforts must always be disclosed in property transactions.

Renter Beware

An Oregon radiologist rented a home which developed a water leak in a stairwell. The tenant promptly reported the issue to the property management company, but they took no action. When an indoor air quality expert discovered numerous defects that caused allergic symptoms, the renter sued and received an award of $103,000.

Efficient Mold and Fungus Remediation in NYC and Northern NJ

If you suspect mold and fungus in your home or business, our Stern Mold technicians can perform eco-friendly and non-invasive remediation using our MoldExterm process. Contact us to schedule a free mold inspection.

EPA Shares Information on the Identification of Hazardous Mold

The EPA Knows Mold!

The EPA Knows Mold!

You’re right to be concerned about mold and your health. Every year, mold leads to an incredible number of health issues for many people, and a lot of them don’t even realize they have mold problems. Fortunately, there are organizations that have done a lot of work to find out as much as they can about mold and its effect on us, as well as how to properly identify it. The EPA is one of those organizations.

Detecting Dangerous Molds

At one time, there wasn’t a lot that was known about different types of molds, and even less was known about the health consequences of them. However, two EPA scientists found a way to quickly detect and identify dangerous molds, including Stachybotrys (black mold), as well as several other types of molds. The technology they used allowed them to identify molds within a few hours, as opposed to a few weeks, like previous methods. This allows for quicker action on the part of professionals who can rectify the problem.

The Problem with Mold and Your Health

Did you know that there are as many as 100 different types of common indoor molds that are responsible for many of the health issues people face today? Sick building syndrome is a serious problem for many residential homes and commercial buildings. However, mold can stay hidden for a long time in water damaged areas that don’t receive much or any traffic. By the time it’s discovered, quite often, significant health damage has already been done.

A mold inspection is recommended for anyone who is concerned about a potential mold issue. Contact us here at Stern Mold for help.

Is Mold Causing Your Sinus Infection?

Let Us Rid Your Home or Office of Mold!

Let Us Rid Your Home or Office of Mold!

Do you have sinus problems that you’ve come to accept as a chronic condition? Mold allergies can masquerade as a sinus infection or other upper-respiratory ailment, leading people to treat the symptoms rather than the source.

Mold and Your Health: The Hidden Connection

Many people believe that interior mold is merely a cosmetic issue, but according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), all types of mold present a potential health risk. Variables such as age, overall health, and length of exposure determine the severity of your reaction.

Mold doesn’t have to be visually evident to pose a danger. Microscopic mold spores are constantly floating in the air, both indoors and outdoors. Studies have found that something as benign as a Christmas tree can trigger a mold problem.

Healthcare Doesn’t Always Have the Answer

Symptoms of mold exposure can fool even experienced healthcare professionals. In the 1990s, the results of a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic strongly suggested that the majority of chronic sinusitis cases are caused by exposure to mold and fungi.

Unfortunately, most doctors continue to treat sinus infections with antibiotics. While these drugs are effective against bacteria, they’re useless in fighting mold. Be proactive with your healthcare and don’t be afraid to raise the possibility of mold with your physician.

Get Peace of Mind with Mold Treatment by Stern Mold

Our professionally trained technicians have been successfully removing mold in NYC and northern NJ for more than 20 years. Visit our website to learn more about mold and your health and find out how our eco-friendly MoldExterm process is a safe, cost-effective solution for both homes and businesses.

Mold – OSHA’s Recognition of the Hazard

Feeling Under the Weather? Mold May be the Cause.

Feeling Under the Weather? Mold May be the Cause.

It’s possible that you’ve dealt with mold in your home, so you know what a hazard it can be. However, when there’s mold in the workplace, there seems to be an entirely different set of problems. Historically, some employers have not been very quick in dealing with mold problems, which can cause serious health issues for workers. The good news is that this is changing because of the fact that OSHA is recognizing what a serious hazard mold really is.

Why is Mold So Dangerous?

Warm and moist conditions provide the perfect atmosphere for mold growth. The result is a potentially serious health hazard that requires immediate attention. Mold can result in:

• Nasal stuffiness

• Irritations to the eyes

• Allergic reactions

• Wheezing

• The onset of asthma attacks

OSHA recently released a document detailing the hazards and dangers of mold, so if it’s affecting your workplace then something needs to be done quickly.

Treating Mold Problems the Right Way

Preventative measures can and should be taken to keep mold problems at bay. However, this isn’t always the case. Oftentimes, once mold is discovered, the problem is already out of hand, and it simply cannot be dealt with properly without professional intervention.

There’s a common misconception that in order to properly treat mold, the walls need to be ripped out and new walls put in. This isn’t necessary in most cases. By using the right type of treatment, mold can be eradicated and prevented from reoccurring.

Have you discovered mold in the workplace? If so, Stern Mold can help. Contact us today and we’ll remedy your problem in as little as one day.

St. Albans HS in WV Fights Mold Problems Right Before School Starts

Mold Can Infect Schools Too.

Mold Can Infect Schools Too.

The growth of mold and fungus inside homes and other buildings can lead to a variety of health issues. That’s why it’s important to have these growths removed as soon as possible. One high school in West Virginia recently battled a mold problem that could have delayed the start of the school year.


St. Albans High School dealt with a mold issue in early August thanks to an air conditioning unit that failed to work properly. Officials believe a sprinkler system that was used to keep the school cool might have caused the mold issue. Crews started treating the school right away so they could ensure that it would be safe before the school year started.

More Problems

However, mold was discovered about a week later in the school’s band room. Students weren’t allowed in that room until it was treated for mold. The school also had a problem with standing water in the basement, which could have contributed to the mold problem.

Mold in Your Home?

The mold and fungus issues at St. Albans High School call attention to the importance of having similar infestations cleared out of your home. Keep in mind that colonies can grow inside your walls where they’re harder to detect. If you notice an unpleasant odor or other signs of mold and fungus, such as health issues that only seem to get worse at home, it’s crucial to have an inspection done as soon as possible.

Don’t let mold and fungus affect your health. Contact Stern Mold to schedule a free inspection of your home.

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