Tag Archives: Living With Mold

Biotoxin Illness and Mold Interaction

Are You Experiencing Symptoms Caused By Mold Toxicity?

Are You Experiencing Symptoms Caused By Mold Toxicity?

The generic term “mold illness” has been used to cover a variety of different ailments caused by exposure to fungi. While some reactions are due to allergies, doctors have identified a specific condition known as biotoxin illness that goes much deeper than just sneezing and coughing.

How Your Body Fights Toxic Mold

Your body’s immune system is charged with protecting you from bacteria, viruses and other foreign cells, including mycotoxins found in mold and mold spores. For many people, their immune systems will identify these toxins and produce antibodies to target and neutralize them.

Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, a pioneer in the study and treatment of biotoxin illness, found that up to 25 percent of the population have immune systems that are genetically unable to produce this response. This condition has been named Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).

Immune Systems “Gone Haywire”

People with CIRS have genetic markers that let their immune systems run unchecked. When invading cells (known as antigens) enter their system, antibodies are unable to clear them. As a result, their immune system continues to assault the antigens, causing a chronic state of inflammation.

If you have CIRS, mold exposure can cause multiple symptoms, ranging from fatigue, weakness and joint pain, to mood swings, vertigo and “brain fog.” There is no easy way to determine beforehand if you suffer from CIRS, so effective mold remediation is crucial for any occurrence.

Do You Suspect Mold in Your NYC or Northern NJ Home?

Don’t take chances with your family’s health. Contact Stern Mold today to schedule your free inspection and get more information about our proprietary MoldExterm mold remediation process.

My House is Making Me Sick – The MoldExterm Makeover

Have You Been Experiencing Upper Respiratory Symptoms?

Have You Been Experiencing Upper Respiratory Symptoms?

Have you or your family been experiencing unexplained sneezing, coughing or other symptoms of upper respiratory illness? Maybe your doctor has suggested mold as the underlying cause.

If you suspect that your house is making you sick, don’t wait to investigate. Prompt and effective mold remediation may be the answer to your chronic health problems.

Does My House Have Mold?

The short answer is: yes, it does. Mold and mold spores exist nearly everywhere. Problems arise when mold levels rise beyond your body’s ability to tolerate them.

Begin by scheduling a professional inspection. Mold is notorious for growing in hidden places, so you need someone with an experienced eye who knows where to look.

The MoldExterm Makeover

Once the presence of mold has been confirmed, the next step is mold remediation. Unfortunately, the traditional process of removing affected materials is expensive, messy and inconvenient.

Our revolutionary MoldExterm process solves the disadvantages of regular mold remediation. The system is cost-effective, requires no replacement of building materials and generally takes only one day to complete.

• Affected areas are first treated with an EPA-registered, multi-purpose antimicrobial solution that cleans, disinfects and deodorizes.

• Next, our proprietary polymer sealer is applied to all surfaces for an effective barrier against the reappearance of mold, even when covered by a coat of paint.

• Finally, we install a professional-grade dehumidifier to reduce moisture levels, which discourages mold growth.

Get the MoldExterm Makeover for your NYC or Northern NJ Home

Our friendly, experienced technicians at Stern Mold provide state-of-the-art mold remediation with a minimum of disruption to your household. Contact us today to schedule your free inspection.

Can You Live in a House with Mold?

So you’ve discovered a patch of mold in your house and you’re unsure about what to do next. Do you and your family need to leave, or can you proceed as normal while dealing with the situation? The answer can depend on the effects of the mold as well as the method of mold treatment.

The nature of mold

While the presence of mold is off-putting, the substance plays an important role in the cycle of nature by decomposing dead organic materials such as wood. When mold develops indoors, it can cause damage by acting on porous materials like drywall and carpeting. Indoor mold is a sign of a leak or other water problem that must be addressed.

Health effects of mold

Mold spores are a major allergen that causes upper respiratory distress ranging from coughing and sneezing to sore, itchy eyes. Children, the elderly, and individuals with compromised immune systems are particularly vulnerable. Consult your physician if you suspect that you or a family member are exhibiting symptoms related to mold exposure.

Treatment or remediation?

It may not be physically necessary to leave your home during remediation, but the disruption could cause you to seek other quarters. Remediation often involves pulling out furniture and building surfaces affected by mold, and the lengthy process can take days or even weeks.

Our proprietary MoldExterm treatment is usually completed within one day and works proactively to prevent future reoccurrence. Contact us to schedule an appointment and let our mold treatment experts handle the problem safely and effectively with little disruption to your household.

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