Tag Archives: How Mold Affects Health

Mold 101: How Mold Poisons Your Body

Mold and Your Health

By definition, a biotoxin is literally a poison produced by a living organism such as mold. Once a biotoxin is ingested into your system, it triggers a chain of processes that can lead to a variety of serious health problems.

How Biotoxins Evade the Immune System

Your body’s immune system serves as the front line of defense against biotoxins and other foreign substances. In most cases, the immune system recognizes the biotoxin as an invader and proceeds to break it down and remove it via the liver.

Complications arise with individuals who don’t have a sufficient supply of HLA-DR, the gene that forms antibodies to target the biotoxin. At this point, the rogue biotoxin cells are free to travel throughout the body.

Biotoxin-Related Symptoms and Illnesses

As the biotoxin starts binding to surface receptors, it generates an inflammatory response which increases the level of cytokines. Resulting symptoms include headaches, fever and inability to concentrate.

The situation is compounded when cytokines begin binding to the receptors, which serves to suppress production of alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH). Low levels of MSH can cause development of the following symptoms:

  • Insomnia and other sleep disturbances
  • Gastrointestinal problems or “leaky gut” syndrome
  • Infections
  • Excessive thirst and frequent urination
  • High blood pressure

Safeguard Your Health with Effective Manhattan Mold Treatment

When exposure to mold continues, biotoxin-related illnesses can become chronic and more difficult to treat. Stern Mold uses a two-step process that provides safer, less invasive and more cost-effective Manhattan mold treatment than traditional remediation.

Contact us today to schedule a free inspection conducted by our cheerful and experienced Manhattan mold treatment technicians.

Mold 101: Could Mold Cause Pneumonia or Similar Symptoms?

Could Mold Cause Pneumonia or Similar Symptoms?

Could Mold Cause Pneumonia or Similar Symptoms??

Mold inside your home or business can cause occupants to suffer the same symptoms as the flu and other respiratory allergies. If you are experiencing a runny nose, coughing, sneezing, itchy eyes or a sore throat, you may dismiss these symptoms as seasonal allergies or perhaps the annual flu season. However, it could be a mold allergy.

The Mayo Clinic says that when anyone with a sensitive immune system inhales mold spores, their body releases histamine. This can cause coughing, sneezing, sore chest, and other flu-like symptoms. Mold allergy symptoms can be different for each person and possibly lead to serious illness. If you or anyone you know is experiencing what could be mold allergy symptoms or possibly pneumonia, see a doctor right away. Your doctor will use your medical history, a physical exam, and chest X-ray to diagnose your condition and prescribe treatment.

Diagnosing any type of allergy can be a complex process. It involves allergy testing and identifying the source of the problem. Since the symptoms of mold allergies and other respiratory problems are so similar, doctors may not suspect your building is the source of your health problem initially. If you suspect your building has mold, call one of the top Manhattan mold removal companies for a free inspection. MoldExterm is a quick, cost-effective alternative to traditional mold remediation that does not involve tearing out walls disrupting your business.

If you own a business in New York, New Jersey, or Long Island, don’t take any chances with the health of your employees. Call Stern Mold for an inspection and free consultation. We are one of the top Manhattan mold removal companies.

Mold and Your Health Connection: Mold and the Serious Symptoms

Allergic Reactions? It Could Be Mold.

Mold is more than just an unsightly stain underneath sinks or on shower walls. A link has been established between exposure to mold and chronic health problems. Do you know what symptoms can be an indication of mold-related illness?

How Mold Affects Your Health

When mold is present inside a home or building, it releases microscopic spores that drift in the air where they are ingested by breathing. Once inside your system, they can irritate the sensitive linings of your throat and nasal passages, resulting in upper-respiratory allergic reactions.

The most common symptoms include coughing, sneezing, and itchy, watery eyes. Some people may also develop rashes where mold spores come in contact with skin. Individuals with pre-existing allergies are most susceptible, but even otherwise healthy people can become affected after prolonged exposure.

When Mold Exposure Has More Serious Consequences

People with upper-respiratory diseases such as asthma or those with compromised immune systems are particularly vulnerable to the effects of mold. Some varieties of mold produce mycotoxins that can cause lung infections and other more serious ailments.

The connection between mold and illness is not simply conjecture. According to the National Academy of Medicine (formerly known as the Institute of Medicine), there is sufficient evidence linking exposure to indoor mold with chronic upper-respiratory symptoms.

Protect Your Health with Complete NYC Mold Treatment

Good health is priceless. Our trained technicians are NYC mold treatment experts who will completely remove any trace of mold without destroying any building materials, usually in just one day. Contact us to learn more about our non-invasive MoldExterm system and schedule a free mold inspection.

Mold and Depression – There May be a Link

Mold and Depression

Mold and Depression

Sometimes symptoms of depression can surface and they seem to coincide with various life events. Perhaps you move into a new home, begin a new job, or spend a great deal of time in a different area during the day. Then suddenly you start to feel pretty down. It turns out that there may also be a link between mold and depression.

Understanding Sick Building Syndrome

Sick building syndrome is a term that refers to what happens when you breathe in mold spores in poorly ventilated areas. Architecture has come a long way in recent years, but the most up-to-date designs of today are careful to seal off any cracks or holes that could allow pests and allergens to enter the buildings. This is true both for homes and for commercial buildings. The problem is that nothing can get out either, which leads to conditions favorable to the growth of mold and bacteria.

Have You Been Exposed to Mold?

If you think you’ve been exposed to mold, there’s no need to worry. Even though there’s a strong link between mold and depression, you can do a lot to combat it. You can:

• Get a NYC mold inspection done to determine whether or not you have a mold problem.

• Purchase a high quality air purifier to filter the air in your home or office.

• Take anti-fungal supplements to help combat allergy symptoms.

• Start taking a high quality probiotic to help your body build good bacteria and kill off the bad bacteria.

• Consider talking with your doctor about medication to help with depression symptoms.

If you think you’ve been exposed to mold, we can help! Contact us!

Are You Allergic to Your Bed? Find Out Why.

Could Your Bed Be Making You Sick?

Could Your Bed Be Making You Sick?

If you’re experiencing allergy symptoms without finding any specific causes, you may want to blame your bed. People spend a third of their lives in bed, so it makes sense to ensure that it’s free of any of the following contaminants.

While you probably won’t see any of these contaminants (bacteria, fungi and allergens), they are there and while you sleep you’re contaminating your bed and breathing them into your lungs.

Mold and Fungi Spores

While mold and fungi are usually too small to see with the naked eye, studies have shown that they are often found in beds. Even minute amounts can cause a reaction so wash your bed sheets in hot water once a week. A NYC mold treatment may be necessary to alleviate allergy symptoms.

Dust Mite Droppings

While you might not be allergic to dust mites, you might be allergic to dust mite poop. Dust mites are found in four out of five homes in the United States, which means that they could very well be in your bed. Again, clean bed sheets will reduce this problem.


Familiar with sweating in bed? It’s something that everybody does. If you’re sick, you can transmit strep or staph infection of the skin if allowed to build up.

Pet Droppings

Your pet may be the apple of your eye, but its urine, dander or saliva could be causing an allergy flare-up.

Clean, dry bed sheets are key to healthy living, but when it comes to mold and your health, don’t take any chances. Contact Stern Mold today to discuss your NYC mold treatment options and schedule a free inspection.

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