Yes, Long Term Mold Exposure Can Damage Your Health and Possibly Kill You

Yes, Long Term Mold Exposure Can Damage Your Health and Possibly Kill You
Whoever said “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” was certainly not talking about mold exposure. Mold spores and their mycotoxins weaken the body’s immune system, disrupt brain function, and have been linked to cancer and other fatal illnesses.
Long-term exposure to toxic mold can be prevented by our NYC mold removal company. Get help at the first sign of mold or mold-related symptom before the toxins take their grip on people in your building.
Health Problems from Mold Exposure
The truth about black mold is that health issues can range from invisible to deadly. Each person responds differently, and one strain of mold causes different problems than another.
Mold health problems can include:
• Fatigue or lethargy
• Itchy eyes
• Sneezing or runny nose
• Nausea
• Confusion or mental health issues
• Lung hemorrhage
• Immunosuppression
• And possibly cancer
Mold Gets Worse Over Time
Cleaning and preventing mold stops the worst of its ill effects from taking hold. If you clean up but don’t remove the moisture sources feeding the mold, the problem will come back again.
Mold grows in unnaturally high concentrations indoors, especially when there’s stagnant humidity or water leaks and a lack of proper ventilation.
Know the warning signs of mold and contact our NYC mold removal service if you see or smell a problem.
Start with a free estimate for mold treatment to stop mold in its tracks. Stern Mold guarantees mold removal for up to five years and our patented NYC mold removal process does not require tearing out walls!