Manhattan Mold a Problem in Student Housing and Universities

Students in College Housing Can be Exposed to Mold in Manhattan.
College life brings a host of health dangers due to so many people sharing close quarters in the classes and dormitories. New research indicates that universities may also be harbingers of toxic mold. The typically young, healthy age group of college students does not make them immune to the harmful effects of mold.
Scientists surveyed students at one university over a period of time to collect data on dampness and mildew on campus. The report deserves a full read by anyone interested in the facts about mold toxicity in rental housing. The bottom line is that college students are at risk for mold-related respiratory issues.
Mold in College Dorms
In Manhattan and other densely populated areas, mold infestations can easily affect numerous people. Mold spores spread wherever moisture and food sources are present. Failure to dry out mildewy areas or to bring in a Manhattan mold treatment service can make matters worse.
The scientists suspect that college students may not clean up as well as homeowners, and students may not report mold problems early enough. Apartment renters have the same problem and, unfortunately, tenants or students have little motivation to correct mold problems in temporary housing.
With students moving in and out of college campuses regularly, and mold problems going unnoticed, it seems that university staff should always keep an eye on the problem and call our Manhattan mold treatment service whenever any sign of mold has been detected.
Rental property owners and college administrators alike can contact Stern Mold for a free inspection to find out if you need Manhattan mold treatment before the problem endangers residents or damages property.