Category Archives: NJ Mold Removal

Learn About Mold: What Are The Signs of a Mold Related Illness?

Learn About Mold: What Are The Signs of a Mold Related Illness?

Learn About Mold: What Are The Signs of a Mold Related Illness?

You’ve heard all the news stories and reports about the health risk of exposure to mold. What you might be unclear about is how to recognize the signs of a mold-related illness.

Have you or a family member been experiencing any of these symptoms with seemingly no cause? It might be time to seek professional NYC mold removal for your home or business.

Physical Ailments

• Microscopic mold spores are ingested with every breath you take, so they can trigger upper respiratory allergic reactions even in people who have no history of allergies. Symptoms range from sneezing and runny nose to coughing and wheezing.

• Mold can aggravate existing respiratory problems such as asthma, while people with immune system deficiencies can develop lung infections.

• Some varieties of mold contain mycotoxins that can irritate your digestive system, resulting in nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pains and loss of appetite.

• Unexpected weight gain is a surprising side effect of mold exposure. Mycotoxins can disrupt the balance of leptin, a hormone that regulates appetite.

• If you experience that familiar tingling of your extremities “falling asleep” without obvious cause, it could be mycotoxins affecting sensory nerves.

Mental Symptoms

• Prolonged mold exposure can lead to the disturbing problem known as “brain fog,” involving cognitive difficulties such as memory loss and inability to focus.

Depression can be caused directly by mold exposure or indirectly by perceived lack of control over your environment.

Contact Stern Mold for Professional NYC Mold Removal

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Contact us today to schedule a free mold inspection by our helpful and experienced technicians.

Tips on Preparing for Your NYC Mold Inspection

Tips on Preparing for Your NYC Mold Inspection

Tips on Preparing for Your NYC Mold Inspection

If you suspect mold, there’s no harm in requesting a free NYC mold inspection to be certain. In the meantime, protect yourself by staying away from the mold and closing off those rooms, if possible.

Can I Clean Before My NYC Mold Inspection?

We can find mold even after you have wiped up the most visible spots. However, you should stop cleaning and wait for the professionals to arrive.

We ask that you stop cleaning for several reasons:

• DIY cleaning can actually kick up mold spores into the air, spreading the problem.

• It may not be safe for your respiratory health to clean mold yourself.

• Our mold inspector can find hidden mold, but it’s helpful for us to see the full state of the problem when we arrive.

What to Do with the Mold Problem Area

The best way to prepare a site for mold inspection? Leave it alone and seal it off. Mold thrives and spreads when it has moisture and airflow. Close air vents and seal doors and windows with plastic wrap to prevent further mold growth.

Also, try not to remove items from the infected areas. Objects likely have mold spores on them, so you don’t want to transfer them elsewhere in the building.

A Free NYC Mold Inspection—With Faster, Better Mold Treatment!

Stern Mold uses a more efficient method than traditional mold remediation. We don’t tear out walls, so you can avoid remodeling. We use a powerful polymer that contains silver, a natural antimicrobial. Then we seal surfaces with a barrier that prevents mold from growing back.

Get started now by requesting a free NYC mold inspection today!

Leaks in Library and Mold Found in Basement Cause Building Closure

Leaks in Library and Mold Found in Basement Cause Building Closure

Leaks in Library and Mold Found in Basement Cause Building Closure

Staying quiet at the library can be difficult when there’s a major leak problem and mold is growing throughout the building. That’s the case at two public libraries in Jackson, Mississippi, which are facing temporary closures.

The leaks had gotten so bad that staff members relied on dozens of buckets to collect dripping water throughout the library.

In addition to the daily hassle of emptying buckets, staff and visitors had to worry about health risks due to mold. Although the mold was primarily found in the basement, it had spread to the air ducts where it affected everyone in the building.

Children and the elderly are especially prone to mold-related respiratory problems, making a public library an unfortunate place to have an infestation.

Jackson officials tried to remedy the mold problem two years prior. They used standard mold remediation that merely kills the active mold but does not prevent a future outbreak.

If they had used MoldExterm, the two-part mold removal process we use at Stern Mold, the basement’s surfaces could have been sealed off to stop mold spores from reactivating ever again.

Prevent Disaster with NJ Mold Removal

Mold needs very little to grow. A water source such as a roof leak is all mold spores need to activate. That’s why it’s important to look for signs of mold and get a free inspection to be safe. It’s also why our NJ mold removal service finishes the job with a patented polymer seal to stop mold in its tracks, and without the need for ripping out building materials.

For more info on Stern Mold NJ mold removal services, please call or contact us today.

Public Housing Apartments To Be Air Tested for Mold Spores

Don't Let Mold Problems Give You a Headache, Get Treatment Now

Don’t Let Mold Problems Give You a Headache, Get Treatment Now.

In a nightmare scenario for both tenants and the building owner, residents of an apartment complex in Toledo have recently been told to evacuate indefinitely for mold testing and treatment. The residents are using vouchers to subsidize their rent, and the local housing authority that usually provides the vouchers pulled their funding due to the many mold complaints.

This situation could easily happen in New Jersey, as well. Ultimately, the tenants are moving because the vouchers come from federal dollars—and federal guidelines for mold in public housing are very strict.

Landlords: First in Line to Solve Mold Complaints

After the drawn-out legal battle with NYCHA mold problems a few years ago and a series of notable apartment mold problems across the country, it’s clear that judges and regulators are cracking down on mold treatment.

Property owners should be prudent and call for NJ mold removal when tenants report mold. As is typical, the issue went untreated in a few units and spiraled into a building-wide problem.

The Convenient Solution for NJ Mold Removal

Safe to say, it’s cheaper and easier to bring in a NJ mold removal company than to face the headache, bad press, and income loss from something like a forced eviction.

Many property owners ignore mold complaints at first to give the tenant time to clean it themselves and out of fear that mold remediation will be costly and disruptive.

At Stern Mold, we can treat mold and prevent future problems without the need to open walls or relocate tenants. Contact us to schedule a free inspection and find out more about our MoldExterm system for NJ mold removal.

FEMA: Tips on Treating Mold in a Flooded Home

FEMA: Tips on Treating Mold in a Flooded Home

FEMA: Tips on Treating Mold in a Flooded Home

When it comes to NY mold removal and keeping you informed about it, Stern Mold has you covered.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, has put out a comprehensive guide for mold in your flood-damaged home and what to do about it. You can read what they say by clicking on the FEMA link, and we will summarize some of the tips and advice that they provided in their guide. Some of the most important things to know are:

Mildew and molds grow on wood products, ceiling tiles, cardboard, wallpaper, carpets, drywall, fabric, plants, foods, insulation, decaying leaves and other organic materials.

• Mold growths, or colonies, can start to grow on a damp surface within 24 to 48 hours.

How to Get Rid of Mold

• Turn off main power if wiring is wet or moldy.

• Use fans and dehumidifiers to remove excess moisture unless mold has already started to grow.

• Remove all wet items such as furniture, rugs, bedding, toys, and carpeting.

• Wash items such as metal, glass, solid wood, plastic, and other non-porous materials with a non-ammonia detergent and hot water.

• Disinfect all cleaned surfaces with a 10% bleach solution. Let the solution stay on the surface for at least 10 minutes before rinsing with clear water and allowing to dry.

These are just some of the tips from FEMA about mold and mold removal after a flood. You can read the entire post or call us at Stern Mold for answers to all of your questions, or to schedule a free mold inspection. We are proud to be your NY mold removal expert, serving NY for over 20 years.


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