Category Archives: NJ Mold Removal

Can Mold Come Back After Remediation on Your NYC Property?

Can Mold Come Back After Treatment?

Can Mold Come Back After Treatment?

Before you bring in professional mold remediators, you might be wondering what to expect regarding how long NYC mold removal will last. The inspection and remediation seem like an expensive and invasive process, so obviously you would like to keep the mold away for many years to come. Ideally, forever!

The good news is that modern technology makes the mold removal process simpler, cheaper, and more effective. Without ripping out drywall or wood, Stern Mold can make your building mold-free, guaranteed for up to 5 years.

Nobody can honestly guarantee that mold will never come back. Unless you seal up the building and never enter it again, mold can potentially return for several reasons:

– Mold problems start with spores, which exist virtually everywhere on the planet.

Mold spores can grow into an infestation anytime they have water, oxygen, and food.

– Permanent mold removal must include dealing with the underlying causes (leaks, dripping water, outdoor moisture getting inside) in addition to thorough cleaning.

How Can Stern Mold Guarantee NYC Mold Removal?

Traditional mold remediation does not necessarily prevent mold from growing back. Stern Mold does not rely on old-fashioned mold remediation!

We use a two-part MoldExterm system of antimicrobial cleaning and a polymer-based sealant. The sealant encapsulates any remaining spores and makes it virtually impossible for mold to grow there ever again.

In addition to our MoldExterm sealant, we can install dehumidifiers to prevent new or recurring issues. This complete solution lets you breathe easier and enjoy peace of mind that your mold problems are in the past!

For a free inspection and details about our guaranteed NYC mold removal, contact Stern Mold today.

In NYC, Are Indoor and Outdoor Mold Allergies Seasonal?

Mold - What You Really Need to Know

Mold – What You Really Need to Know

Anyone who suffers from an allergy knows how frustrating it can be. People who made it through their childhood without any allergies can still develop adult-onset allergies later in life. Some may have allergies to certain foods, pollen, animal dander, and mold.

People who are allergic to mold spores may have to deal with symptoms year-round. Some mold spores are more likely to spread in dry windy conditions. Other types of spores move with fog and dew when humidity is high.

Indoor mold can grow year-round

While most outdoor molds will become inactive during cold months, indoor molds can thrive throughout the year. If mold has some organic material like wood or dry-wall paper, moisture, and the right temperature, it will continue to grow and create more spores. Unfortunately, mold likes the same temperature (60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit) people maintain inside their homes, offices, and other businesses. If you suspect you may have mold, call the NYC mold removal experts at Stern Mold right away.

Symptoms of a mold allergy

For many people, molds spores cause symptoms similar to those of other allergies: runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, itchy eyes, and skin rashes. If mold spores enter the lungs, they can cause asthma attacks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that prolonged exposure to mold spores can lead to asthma in otherwise healthy children.

Stern Mold is part of the Stern Environmental network and has been providing NYC mold removal for commercial and residential clients since 1995. Or MoldExterm method can resolve your mold problem quickly and for a fraction of the cost of traditional mold removal methods. Contact us today.

What’s Your Mold Lawsuit Worth Today?

What's Your Mold Lawsuit Worth Today?

What’s Your Mold Lawsuit Worth Today?

When people argue about mold exposure, tension and emotions run high. Too often, especially between tenants and landlords, the situation needs resolution in the legal system. Courts have awarded enormous personal injury awards to people suing for mold problems.

In most cases, the plaintiff has suffered illnesses related to mold and the party responsible for cleaning up the mold did not act fast enough to remediate the problem.

Back in 2001, a mold lawsuit set a new standard for damages when a California jury ordered an apartment complex to pay $2.7 million to the Mazza family. The case put landlords and insurance companies on notice that suing for mold problems is serious business.

Million-dollar mold lawsuits still pop up every few years. At a minimum, guilty parties might have to pay tens of thousands or more to cover medical bills, lost wages, alternative housing, and ruined belongings.

Suing for Mold Problems: What Landlords and Tenants Should Do

The best advice for apartment renters and commercial tenants who suspect mold damage: document everything you can. Take pictures, seek medical attention, and build your case to prove to the landlord that action must be taken (or to present to lawyers later).

For landlords and businesses, early action is almost guaranteed to cost significantly less than litigation.

Stern Mold offers a scientifically advanced method of mold treatment that costs less and is less intrusive (no tearing out drywall) than most people imagine when they think of classic mold remediation methods. Compared to lawyer fees, medical fees, and the public shame of being sued for mold, it’s a no-brainer to get a free mold inspection and settle disputes quickly.

Mold and Lyme Disease – the Connection

Mold and Lyme Disease - the Connection

Mold and Lyme Disease – the Connection

Lyme disease and toxic mold are both unpleasant topics to think about. Research is now indicating that there may be a connection between the two. Dr. Wayne Anderson, an independent practitioner with offices at Gordon Medical Associates, believes exposure to Lyme disease will make a person more susceptible to mold sickness.

Both mold and Lyme disease can affect a person’s immune system and a person who already has a compromised immune system is more likely to have an adverse reaction when exposed to mold spores.

Mold and potential adverse affects

Molds are fungi that act as one of nature’s recyclers of organic waste. Mold only needs food, moisture, and the right temperature to survive and thrive. Mold uses both sexual and asexual methods to reproduce. It spreads airborne spores that are too small to be seen with the naked eye but can lead to serious health problems if inhaled.

People sensitive to mold will experience allergic reactions such as sneezing, runny nose, and dry eyes. Long-term exposure to mold spores can be problematic for otherwise healthy people. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that mold exposure can trigger asthma attacks in people with asthma and long-term mold exposure may cause asthma in healthy children.

The best mold treatment

Many people think mold treatment is expensive, messy, and time-consuming. This is because traditional methods required tearing out walls and stirring up a lot of drywall dust. The process would disrupt households and businesses for several days and the costs were enormous. The MoldExterm method is faster, safer, less costly, more effective, and comes with a guarantee. Contact us for a free inspection and consultation.

How Often Should Your Home or Business be Mold Tested?

It's Time to Get Stern with Your Mold!

It’s Time to Get Stern with Your Mold!

Mold frequently grows in hidden places, remaining undetected until you and your family start experiencing health problems. How often should your home or business undergo mold testing to ensure safety?

Why Seek Professional Mold Testing?

Professional NYC and NJ mold testing should be done once each year. Since moisture creates an ideal environment for mold growth, you may want to have a test done during periods of heavy rain or if your home or business has suffered a water leak.

Mold testing involves examining an air sample using dye and a microscope. This method allows experts to detect the presence of mold even when it’s not visible.

Not All Mold Is the Same

Different types of mold can require different types of treatment. Another benefit of professional NYC and NJ mold testing is the ability to determine specific species.

  • Aspergillus, one of the more common types of indoor mold, is green or black in color and frequently found on toilets or in air ducts.
  • Chaetomium has a powerful musty smell and generally appears on organic materials such as drywall and window frames.
  • Serpula lacrymans is yellow in color and sometimes referred to as “dry rot” because it consumes wood.

While mold infestations are not always visible, they do tend to develop in certain areas. Humid locations such as bathrooms, basements and air conditioners are frequent suspects.

Stern Mold: Your Source for Effective NYC and NJ Mold Remediation

Enjoy peace of mind that comes with a healthy home or business. Our professionally trained technicians can test for mold and remove it thoroughly with our eco-friendly MoldExterm process.

Contact us today to schedule your free mold inspection.

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