Category Archives: Mold Remediation

Why is Breathing In Mold Spores Bad for You?

Are Mold Spores in the Air of Your Home?

Are Mold Spores in the Air of Your Home?

“Out of sight, out of mind” definitely doesn’t apply to mold spores. Our Manhattan mold removal team explains why you should be concerned about these microscopic particles floating around unseen.

Mold Spores: The Invisible Enemy

While they’re invisible to the naked eye, mold spores and construction dust are always present in the air. They may seem harmless, but the World Health Organization found enough reason to establish guidelines for indoor air quality.

Health Risks of Exposure to Mold Spores

Studies have shown a connection between exposure to dust and mold spores and ailments that affect both physical and mental health.

• Respiratory issues are the most common reaction to mold spores. People report chronic sneezing, coughing and other upper respiratory symptoms, even if they haven’t suffered from allergies in the past. More serious illnesses include aspergillosis, an infection that can cause fungus balls to develop in the lungs.

• Digestive issues are usually associated with eating moldy food, but mold spores have been known to trigger nausea, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. In some cases, the immune system response may alter metabolism, actually leading to weight gain.

Sadness and depression may not be directly caused by mold spores, but these conditions are often experienced by people dealing with a serious mold problem.

Call Stern Mold for Prompt and Effective Manhattan Mold Removal

Our MoldExterm program eliminates mold while addressing the conditions that cause mold to develop. Contact us to schedule a free inspection by our Manhattan mold removal experts.

Why Is Getting Rid of Mold Spores So Important?

Mold Spores and Your Health

Mold Spores and Your Health

You may recognize the visual signs of a mold infestation, but what about the part you can’t see? Here’s a look at why mold spores are an important factor in NYC mold removal.

How Mold Growth Develops

Mold spores are less than half the width of a human hair. As a result, even though you’re constantly surrounded by mold spores, you’re rarely aware of them.

In most cases, mold spores drift harmlessly around us. Problems arise when spores land on a surface where moisture is present. The spores begin generating hyphae, which are filaments that absorb nutrients, allowing the mold to establish a foothold.

Dangers of Mold Spores

Once a mold colony develops, the concentration of spores can lead to health problems. As the spores are ingested through breathing, over time they will lead to irritation of the respiratory system. Even people without existing allergies can experience symptoms such as sneezing, coughing and itchy eyes.

Since it’s not possible to completely eliminate mold spores, the answer lies in controlling conditions that favor mold growth. This means treating the source of the excess moisture, whether it’s leaky pipes or high humidity.

DIY methods of mold removal often serve only to further disperse mold spores. Professional NYC mold removal experts have the equipment and know-how to effectively eliminate all traces.

State-of-the-Art NYC Mold Removal

Our proprietary MoldExterm program is an eco-friendly, non-intrusive way to remove mold and prevent it from returning. Contact Stern Mold to learn more.

Everything You (Didn’t) Want To Know About Mold Remediation

Becoming More Aware of the Mechanics Behind Mold Remediation

Becoming More Aware of the Mechanics Behind Mold Remediation

So you suspect a mold infestation in your home or building. What’s the next step? Our NYC mold removal experts fill you in on state requirements for effective mold remediation.

1. Mold Licenses Are Not One-Size-Fits-All

Mold remediation involves three separate jobs, each of which requires a specific license. A mold assessment contractor will inspect and evaluate your property to determine the presence of mold. If there is an infestation, a mold remediation contractor will head up the project using mold abatement workers in his employ.

Since mold generally develops due to excess moisture, you’ll need to find and address that situation. Assessment, remediation and abatement licensees are forbidden by law to complete that job, which must be done by a county-licensed home improvement contractor.

2. Mold Remediation Is a Two-Company Job

Under mold licensing laws, the same person or company can’t perform both assessment and remediation on a single job. This also holds true when an individual owns an interest in two separate companies. A searchable database listing licensed mold contractors is available on New York State’s Department of Labor website.

3. All Plans and Reports Must Be Submitted in Writing

Necessary documentation includes:

* Itemized mold remediation plan, post-remediation assessment and clearance report from the assessment contractor

* Work plan from the remediation contractor

Stern Environmental: Your First Choice for NYC Mold Removal

Whatever your mold remediation needs are, we have licensed and experienced team members to handle them. Contact us today to schedule a free mold inspection.

Mold Plagues College Dorms At LSU – What You Should Know

Mold Plagues College Dorms At LSU - What You Should Know

Mold Plagues College Dorms At LSU – What You Should Know

Mold can cause a wide range of health problems, especially for some individuals, so it’s important to have it removed promptly with NYC mold removal services. Unfortunately, mold can show up anywhere, including at schools and universities. Find out more about a recent mold problem at LSU that has been putting students at risk.

Mold Growth at LSU

Some areas of LSU, including the West Campus Apartments, North Hall and South Hall have been dealing with mold problems. These problem started during the fall 2019 semester and have continued to cause problems for students on campus.

One student noticed extensive mold growth in several areas of her room, such as on her mattress and door frame. Her room also felt much more humid than usual.

University staff members are taking steps toward handling these mold growth problems as quickly as possible to keep students safe.

Mold Growth Solutions

Mold problems can get out of control in a short amount of time when they’re not dealt with promptly. To keep you and your family safe, it’s crucial to have mold problems taken care of with professional treatment. This helps ensure that mold growth in your home is completely gone, so that you’ll have a lower risk of health issues.

Mold removal experts can also recommend steps to take to prevent your home from having a mold problem.

If you need NYC mold removal services, please contact Stern Mold today. We can thoroughly eliminate mold from your home or building.

Not always the ‘Fungi’ – How To Keep Unwelcome Mold Out of Your Home

Don't Entertain Mold in Your Home

Don’t Entertain Mold in Your Home

Entertaining house guests is usually a good time, unless they’re the “fungi” variety. Keep nasty mold and mildew out of your home with these helpful NYC mold removal tips.

Difference Between Mold and Mildew

While the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably, there’s a difference between mold and mildew.

• Mold generally appears black or dark green in color, with a slimy texture and musty odor.

• Mildew is usually gray or white and powdery or fluffy to the touch.

Mildew often appears on damp surfaces such as shower curtains, while mold is more invasive, finding its way into and behind walls, ceilings and hidden spaces. Mold is also associated with a number of health problems, more so than mildew.

Prevention and Cleaning Tips

Excess moisture is the primary cause of mold and mildew. Promptly repair broken pipes, leaky roofs and other causes of water build-up.

• Thoroughly dry affected surfaces after spills or flooding.

• Run the air conditioning regularly to keep humidity levels low. Dehumidifiers can also be useful.

• Be sure bathrooms, kitchens and other damp areas are well-ventilated.

• Make a cleaning solution with one cup of oxygen bleach powder to one gallon of hot water. Apply with a spray bottle and wait 30 minutes, then scrub the stains with a nylon stiff-bristle brush.

Stern Mold: Your Top Choice for NYC Mold Removal

Our proprietary NYC mold removal system is eco-friendly, non-invasive and cost-effective. Contact us to schedule a free mold inspection.

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