EPA Shares Information on the Identification of Hazardous Mold

The EPA Knows Mold!
You’re right to be concerned about mold and your health. Every year, mold leads to an incredible number of health issues for many people, and a lot of them don’t even realize they have mold problems. Fortunately, there are organizations that have done a lot of work to find out as much as they can about mold and its effect on us, as well as how to properly identify it. The EPA is one of those organizations.
Detecting Dangerous Molds
At one time, there wasn’t a lot that was known about different types of molds, and even less was known about the health consequences of them. However, two EPA scientists found a way to quickly detect and identify dangerous molds, including Stachybotrys (black mold), as well as several other types of molds. The technology they used allowed them to identify molds within a few hours, as opposed to a few weeks, like previous methods. This allows for quicker action on the part of professionals who can rectify the problem.
The Problem with Mold and Your Health
Did you know that there are as many as 100 different types of common indoor molds that are responsible for many of the health issues people face today? Sick building syndrome is a serious problem for many residential homes and commercial buildings. However, mold can stay hidden for a long time in water damaged areas that don’t receive much or any traffic. By the time it’s discovered, quite often, significant health damage has already been done.
A mold inspection is recommended for anyone who is concerned about a potential mold issue. Contact us here at Stern Mold for help.