Category Archives: Mold Identification

What Mold Needs to Grow – Moisture, Oxygen, Food Source

Mold Spores

Know the Conditions For Mold Growth so You Can Prevent It

As a type of fungus, mold spores need water, air, and some form of food in order to grow and spread. Suspect mold at your home or office? Know the conditions for mold growth, and you will be better prepared to choose a NYC mold remediation technique that wipes them out and prevents future mold growth.

Mold and Moisture

Water can be called the source of life. Unfortunately, that holds true for mold. Leaks and floods often cause mold infestations, but it only takes a tiny bit of water to feed a mold colony.

Red flags for the moisture needed for mold growth include:

  • Plumbing leaks
  • Moisture around sinks and bathrooms
  • Roof leaks
  • Condensation
  • Sprinkler or hose water entering the building

Oxygen Respiration of Mold

Like many organisms, molds also require oxygen. This makes it possible for a polymer sealant to effectively block future mold growth.

Food Sources for Mold

Mold colonies get their food from any organic matter — but we’re not talking about health foods.

Wood, wallpaper, fabric and upholstery, or even plants and soil can all feed mold. Your NYC mold remediation provider will check cabinets, walls, ceilings and other building materials made with organic substances to eradicate the entire colony.

Preventing the Conditions for Mold Growth

For years, the typical NYC mold remediation process involved ripping out walls and cabinets to remove the spores the way you would remove asbestos. Today, we have advanced mold treatment methods that block out moisture and protect your property without having to disturb the structure.

Contact us for a free inspection and quote and find out more about our scientifically advanced NYC mold remediation service.

Mold 101: OSHA Gives Guidance on Mold in the Workplace

Know the Facts About Mold.

Mold At The Work Place

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) requires that all employers provide “safe and healthful working conditions” for all employees. While people often interpret the regulation in terms of physical risks, a workplace should also include clean air without excess levels of mold.

OSHA, the governing body established to enforce the OSH Act, offers tips about detecting and preventing mold exposure in the workplace.

Where Is Mold Found?

Mold spores are present everywhere, but they usually don’t cause problems at normal levels outdoors. Problems arise when the spores land on a damp spot indoors where they can multiply.

Common breeding grounds for mold in the workplace include:

  • Leaky or sweaty pipes
  • Poorly-maintained drain pans
  • Damp foundations
  • Poorly vented kitchens, showers or any area where steam is present

Building-Related Illnesses (BRIs)

A building-related illness is one that includes symptoms objectively found to be linked to specific elements inside the building. Mold-related BRIs are often allergic conditions such as rhinitis, asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis.

Reducing Risk of Mold BRIs

  • Conduct regular inspections for water leaks, damaged door and window seals, and visible mold.
  • Make sure all damp areas and equipment are cleaned and dried as soon as possible.
  • Wherever possible, vent all moisture-generating appliances and equipment to the outside.

Effective Manhattan Mold Remediation for Buildings and Workplaces

Workers compensation claims are some of the biggest expenses for any business. Our two-step MoldExterm Manhattan mold remediation program makes your workplace safer by removing existing mold and preventing future infestations. Contact us today to schedule a free mold inspection by one of our friendly and professional technicians.

Mold 101: the CDC Weighs in On Mold and Damp Buildings

the CDC Weighs in On Mold and Damp Buildings

the CDC Weighs in On Mold and Damp Buildings

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognizes the health risks associated with high indoor humidity, dampness and mold in offices, schools, and other nonindustrial buildings. You work hard to keep your business profitable, maintain a safe and comfortable environment for your employees and customers, and to keep customers coming back every time they need your products or services. A musky smell from leaking pipes or water incursion can’t be masked and it can ruin your business. People with sensitive immune systems and mold allergies feel the effects of mold spores quickly when they’re in a building with mold. Our Manhattan mold removal company can help you at a reasonable price and without tearing out walls.

The CDC defines dampness as any unwanted or excessive moisture inside your building. Having this dampness in your building will lead to mold growth that releases mold spores and breaks down building materials. Different types of mold grow in different moisture conditions. The CDC warns that mold inside buildings is associated with several respiratory problems including asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, bronchitis, and respiratory infections. People sensitive to allergens and those with weakened immune systems are at higher risk of developing a more severe illness from their exposure to mold.

We can remedy your mold problem with our Manhattan mold removal service. Our MoldExterm method is faster and less costly than traditional remediation methods. It does not require tearing out walls and can be done with little or no interruption to your business schedule. Contact Stern Mold for a free professional inspection and consultation on the best way to maintain optimal air quality and prevent mold from coming back.

Mold 101: Could Mold Cause Pneumonia or Similar Symptoms?

Could Mold Cause Pneumonia or Similar Symptoms?

Could Mold Cause Pneumonia or Similar Symptoms??

Mold inside your home or business can cause occupants to suffer the same symptoms as the flu and other respiratory allergies. If you are experiencing a runny nose, coughing, sneezing, itchy eyes or a sore throat, you may dismiss these symptoms as seasonal allergies or perhaps the annual flu season. However, it could be a mold allergy.

The Mayo Clinic says that when anyone with a sensitive immune system inhales mold spores, their body releases histamine. This can cause coughing, sneezing, sore chest, and other flu-like symptoms. Mold allergy symptoms can be different for each person and possibly lead to serious illness. If you or anyone you know is experiencing what could be mold allergy symptoms or possibly pneumonia, see a doctor right away. Your doctor will use your medical history, a physical exam, and chest X-ray to diagnose your condition and prescribe treatment.

Diagnosing any type of allergy can be a complex process. It involves allergy testing and identifying the source of the problem. Since the symptoms of mold allergies and other respiratory problems are so similar, doctors may not suspect your building is the source of your health problem initially. If you suspect your building has mold, call one of the top Manhattan mold removal companies for a free inspection. MoldExterm is a quick, cost-effective alternative to traditional mold remediation that does not involve tearing out walls disrupting your business.

If you own a business in New York, New Jersey, or Long Island, don’t take any chances with the health of your employees. Call Stern Mold for an inspection and free consultation. We are one of the top Manhattan mold removal companies.

Mold 101: Mold and Fungi Grow with Mycelium

Not The Fungus You Want

The Similarities

Mold, fungi and mushrooms all have one thing in common. It’s called the mycelium, which is the vegetative or growing body of any given fungus. That may seem strange to understand, so let’s use the common mushroom as an example.

Mushroom Mycelium

Many people think that a mushroom is the entire plant, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the mushroom is actually the fruit of the mycelium, which grows and thrives beneath the surface of the ground. When two different mycelium meet underground, they join together and produce a fruiting body, in this case a mushroom, and that fruit is what you see above the surface of the ground. The fruiting body produces spores which travel through the air, landing on the ground and growing into new mycelium.

Bathroom Mold Mycelium

Mold, essentially, works the same way as the mushroom. The mycelium looks for cracks and crevices in which to anchor and grow from, which is why the grout on bathroom tile is so appealing.

Once growing, and just like the mushroom, when two mycelium come into contact they send up a fruiting body, but in the case of bathroom mold, these bodies are microscopic. Then again, just like the mushroom, the fruiting bodies send out spores through the air, and the spores will land in other areas and begin to grow.

When it comes to Manhattan mold treatment, Stern Mold is the expert. If you have any questions about black mold, testing and how to get rid of it, please contact us for a free mold inspection. Your Manhattan mold treatment always begins with Stern Mold.

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