Category Archives: Mold & Your Health

Why is Dehumidification Important to Treat Mold

Do you believe that keeping your house or office clean is a sufficient defense against mold? The truth is that your housekeeping habits really have no impact. When it comes to mold infestation, the real enemy is water, not dirt.

Mold spores travel through the air unseen by the naked eye. You come into contact with them nearly every day, and no amount of cleaning can remove them from your surroundings. Most of the time they have no effect until they come into contact with moisture, which is the essential ingredient for mold growth. Once a spore lands on a damp spot, it has everything it needs to begin multiplying freely.

This is why humid areas like bathrooms and basements are fertile areas for an infestation. An effective mold removal program requires dehumidification to eliminate problem areas and prevent future occurrences. Air conditioners and dehumidifiers remove moisture from the air, keeping the condensation process from creating damp surfaces.

It’s not just the moisture in the air that you need to be concerned about. Check regularly for plumbing and roof leaks so they can be repaired as soon as possible.

Our proprietary MoldExterm mold removal system includes installation of a professional-grade dehumidifier that controls atmospheric moisture even in hard-to-reach areas. Visit our website to learn more about why the MoldExterm process is superior to outdated remediation methods.

Is There a Difference Between Mold and Mildew?

You probably haven’t read a lot of news stories about lawsuits over unsightly mildew in the showers of newly constructed homes. Mold removal just seems to carry a more ominous connotation. Mentioning it brings up images of large homes sitting vacant due to deadly spores growing in the walls and floors. Mention mildew to most people, and they think of the cartoon mascots of some household cleaner taking care of chores for the happy humans. The two fungi are different.


Mildew typically has a white or grey appearance and is powdery or velvety in texture. it can be found on plants like roses and other flowers. Mildew from the oomycota type of fungus grows on produce like grapes and potatoes. Although not a fungus, it was an oomycota species that brought on the 1845 Potato Famine in Ireland. In your home, mildew will likely appear in the bathroom shower, where moisture on the curtain and around the tub makes a convenient environment for growth.


Mold typically grows thick and may take on the appearance of a plant when it spreads over a surface. It is typically a green, red, black ,or blue color. Without proper mold removal, walls and floors with mold will begin to rot. Molds may have toxins that can cause allergic reactions and serious health issues for people with respiratory problems or compromised immune systems who live in a mold-infested home.

Toxic black mold can make a home uninhabitable for anyone. Don’t take a chance with your family’s health. If you suspect a mold problem, contact the experts at Stern Mold for a free mold inspection.

What Are The Signs That I Have a Mold Problem?

The sooner you identify a mold problem in your home or business, the easier it is to accomplish effective mold removal. Are you hesitating to take action because you’re not sure what to look for? Here are the most common signs of an infestation. The presence of any one of these is cause to contact our experienced technicians for assistance.

  • Visible Mold Colonies If you see a dark or discolored patch in your bathroom or basement, don’t assume it’s dirt. No appearance of mold should be ignored, no matter how small it is. Not only will it rapidly multiply, it could be a sign of larger growths hidden out of sight.
  • Damp, Musty Odors Sometimes you can smell mold before you can see it. If you notice that distinctive dank odor, you should immediately schedule a mold inspection.
  • Upper Respiratory Ailments Coughing, sneezing and red, itchy eyes can signal the presence of mold. especially if the symptoms lessen or disappear when you’re out of your home or office.
  • Leaky Pipes and Other Water Problems Mold requires moisture to survive. If you’ve had an issue with leaks or broken pipes, conditions are ideal for mold to appear.

Our state-of-the-art MoldExterm system effectively eliminates the problem and protects against future reoccurrence. Visit our website for more information about our mold removal services.

Are All Interior Mold Varieties Toxic?

The term “toxic mold” has lead Americans to a great deal of stress and confusion in recent years. Are all varieties of mold toxic? How worried should you be about interior mold?

All molds in high concentration may cause health problems, but only a few or toxic.
Toxic, or “toxigenic” molds produce small molecular toxins – mycotoxins – spread via spores. The mycotoxins in these spores pose potentially serious health problems in high quantities. Two of the best known toxigenic molds include aspergillis and stachybotrys, or “black mold.”

Toxic black mold
Stachybotrys is infamous due to its prevalence in the home and its ability to sicken exposed individuals. It easily grows on building materials, especially in high-moisture environments. Greenish-black and gelatinous to dry in texture depending on conditions, black mold resembles several similar molds, therefore expert analysis is recommended to confirm its presence for mold removal.

Black mold symptoms:

  • Irritation of mucous membranes
  • Respiratory & skin issues
  • Weakened immune system
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Mental impairment
  • Organ damage
  • Hemorrhaging
  • Possible death

Immediate mold removal is necessary
Black mold can cause permanent damage and threaten your life. Health damaging risks increase in direct proportion to exposure times.

Not a D-I-Y situation
Disturbing mold can release huge amounts of spores. NEVER attempt removal of black mold on your own. Professional removal is necessary.

Need mold removal fast? For a timely alternative to mold remediation, contact Stern Mold today.

Is Mold Your Nighmare Guest?

According to legend, even vampires must wait to be invited before they enter your home. As demonstrated by a recent story in mold news, this invasive fungus displays no such good manners.

Last September, a surprise “visit” from black mold led to a nightmare of inconvenience and red tape for one Ohio apartment renter. Upon receiving notice of the problem along with photographic evidence, the management company took three weeks just to approve the request for repair.

Unfortunately, the situation became more involved. The renter reported a foul smell emanating from the faucet in her master bathroom, only to be told that “foul water or odor/mold” is not considered an emergency. When maintenance finally responded, they claimed the problem didn’t exist based on inspection of the wrong bathroom.

The renter was forced to submit yet another service request. It ultimately took a visit from the management company’s director of operations to resolve the tangled mess. Final work on the clean-up was due to be completed mid-October, more than one month after the initial report.

While this mold news may sound like the plot of a sitcom, there’s nothing funny about this issue. Continued exposure can result in upper respiratory ailments and other serious physical illnesses. At this point, not all states have clear laws regarding mold so consumers need to be vigilant and persistent.

If you even suspect that mold has taken up residence in your home or office, don’t leave it to chance. Our proprietary MoldExterm treatment provides safe elimination of mold without major disruption to you and other occupants. Visit our website to request a free mold inspection.

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