Category Archives: Mold & Your Health

Mold Problems Can Cause Landlords More Than Headaches

Whenever you read or hear a news story about Real Estate and Mold, you are likely to also notice the words litigation and plaintiffs. That is because mold in apartments or rental properties can be a serious health risk to occupants and a major liability to landlords.

People with any type of immunodeficiency condition are at highest risk. That can include young children, seniors, people with diabetes, those with Graves’ disease, asthma sufferers, and many other common conditions. That means every landlord has some tenants that are highly sensitive to mold spores and at risk of serious illness from unhealthy air.

Indoor air quality laws

In 2001, California was the first state to pass any law dealing with toxic mold in residential rental properties. That state was quickly followed by Maryland, New Jersey, Nevada, Texas, and Washington. By 2003, 30 states and the federal government had passed some form of Real Estate and Mold legislation. Also growing at a brisk pace are personal injury lawsuits connected with mold exposure in apartments and rental houses. The Environmental Law Institute has a database of indoor air quality laws for every state.

Other legal actions

As homeowners are finding out in Ypsilanti Township, properties can draw legal actions even without having any current occupants. The board of trustees for Ypsilanti has served notice to eight homeowners that they need to make the needed repairs or the houses will be declared a public nuisance and demolished.

To protect your tenants from unhealthy air and protect yourself from possible legal action, call Stern Mold to schedule a thorough inspection of all your buildings. Ask about our effective MoldExterm system.

Actress Suzanne Somers Reveals Her Frightening Ordeal with Black Mold

Keep Your Family and Friend Safe from Mold

Keep Your Family and Friends Safe from Mold

Wealth and fame are no protection when it comes to mold and health issues. Actress Suzanne Somers, who is scheduled to compete in the new season of Dancing with the Stars, detailed her frightening experience in her book “TOX-SICK: From Toxic to Not Sick”.

After their Malibu home burned down a few years ago, Ms. Somers and husband Alan Hamel moved into a temporary rental. They were unaware of a black mold infestation in an unfinished downstairs room that spread to the home’s heating and air conditioning ducts.

During the four years they lived in the home, Ms. Somers noticed that her usually healthy husband began getting sick frequently. When the advocate for nutritional eating started experiencing stomach upsets, she decided to investigate and discovered that the black mold was affecting her digestive system and her husband’s sinuses.

At that point Ms. Somers and Hamel immediately left the rental home and both recovered after moving to a healthier residence. After the couple lost all their personal belongings in the fire, Ms. Somers bought all new furnishings and accessories that they had to leave behind rather than risk transporting the mold to their new home.

Fortunately, Ms. Somers’ recovery to full health is allowing her to compete on Dancing with the Stars. The story could have had a much different ending if she had not discovered the toxic mold affecting her and her husband.

Everyone is vulnerable to destructive mold and health issues. Our unique MoldExterm system uses non-invasive methods to remove all traces of mold from your home or office. Safeguard your health by contacting us to schedule a free mold inspection.

Do Certain Building Materials Promote Mold?

Mold can grow unnoticed inside the walls of a home or in areas like basements and closets for a long time. The mold spores are tiny and easily inhaled. Living in a home with mold is harmful to anyone and can cause an allergy that occupants did not have previously. To keep your home free of mold it is helpful to understand which materials are more conducive to its growth.

Paper faced gypsum board

Mold thrives on organic material for nutrients. If walls are kept free of moisture, it is not going to be a problem area for mold. Once damage occurs from a roof leak or plumbing problem, some type of NJ Mold Treatement is necessary to prevent future occurrences of mold. Areas like your tub and shower should not have any paper faced gypsum board. Use cement board, mortar, or some type of non-paper faced gypsum in these areas.


The dark corners of a damp basement or crawl space are ideal environments for mold to grow unnoticed. Minor plumbing leaks can saturate insulation and provide the moisture mold needs to flourish in obscure areas of your home. It is important to replace old pipes before they start to leak. Replacing damaged wood in these difficult to reach areas can be very expensive.

One of the best things you can do to prevent mold problems in your home is to have a thorough inspection done by one of the NJ Mold Treatement experts from Stern Mold. If mold is present, our experts will consult with you on the best method to safely treat it and prevent it from coming back.


Black Mold Do It Yourself? Are You Really Ready to Undertake It?

You’ve just discovered a patch of fungi that looks suspiciously like black mold in your home or business. Its ability to multiply rapidly means you have to take immediate action to avoid health dangers such as upper respiratory illnesses.

If the infestation is on a non-porous surface, you might attempt a course of do-it-yourself mold treatment. Here are some tips to make removal more effective.

Safety First

Mask off the affected area with plastic sheeting to prevent spores from dispersing further into the home or building. Protect yourself by wearing a dust mask, gloves and goggles.

Bleach Method

Fill one spray bottle with a mixture of eight ounces of bleach to one gallon of water and another with clear, warm water. Saturate the mold patch with the bleach solution, using paper towels or rags to scrub the area. Change scrubbing cloths frequently and dispose of them immediately in a plastic garbage bag. Rinse the area well with the clear water.

Natural Mold Removal Solutions

  • Tea tree oil or grapefruit seed extract can be mixed with water and applied to the mold without rinsing.
  • Spray undiluted vinegar onto the infestation, allowing it to set without rinsing.
  • Scrub the area with a mixture of baking soda and water. This method is a good follow-up to the vinegar treatment.

Post-Treatment Cleanup

Vacuum the affected area and dispose of the filters in a garbage bag with any soiled cloths. Wash your clothes immediately.

In most cases, it’s best not to take any chances with mold. Let our trained technicians provide effective mold treatment and cleanup with a minimum of inconvenience to you and your family or employees.

Mold Spreads Via Spores – What Are They

Mold is a serious problem. Much like rust, it will get worse, continue spreading, and cause serious damage if not properly removed. It spreads via spores and these tiny units of reproduction are resilient and highly prolific.

What is mold?

Mold is a fungus that destroys any organic matter is attaches to like leaves, wood, and paper. It grows on the surface of these materials and may be black, blue, green, or some combination. The color is typically determined by its nutrient source and the age of the mold colony. It requires moisture, a food source, and oxygen. The ideal temperature range for mold is between 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4.4 degrees Celsius) and 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius).

How mold spreads?

The mold colony grows and will cover many square feet of a surface. It also produces spores. The spores can survive in dry and harsh conditions that the colony cannot. The spores travel easily on indoor and outdoor air. These spores may reproduce sexually or asexually depending on how the spore was formed. Mold spores are smaller than pollen, dust, and many other air-borne irritants. This allows the mold spores to escape many filtering mechanisms.

Health risks?

Many people are not adversely affected by low levels of exposure to mold spores. However, long-term exposure to low levels may be as harmful as short-term exposure to high levels of mold. People with asthma or a compromised immune system are at highest risk of problems.

Don’t take any chances. Stern Mold uses the advanced MoldExterm system to eliminate mold and prevent it from coming back. Contacts us for a free quote.

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