Category Archives: Mold & Your Health

NASA Space Launch is Grounded by Mold

Mold from warehouse impacts NASA.

Mold from warehouse impacts NASA.

When it comes to mold, even billion-dollar government agencies are vulnerable to its dangers. NASA was forced to delay the March 10 launch of a supply shipment when mold treatment was required for its cargo.

Mold in outer space?

An unmanned Orbital ATK Cygnus craft was scheduled to leave Cape Canaveral Air Force Station carrying the next load of supplies to the International Space Station. The launch was put on hold after a routine inspection at Kennedy Space Center discovered a substance growing on two of the fabric cargo bags.

Subsequent microbial analysis revealed that the substance was black mold. NASA decided to take the precaution of unpacking and disinfecting all the cargo. This marks the first time that mold has interfered with an ISS supply shipment.

NASA’s mold safety precautions

According to NASA spokesperson Dan Huot, the agency performs regular inspections and disinfects cargo bags to provide “a safe environment for the crew members.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advise that mold can cause allergic reactions ranging from stuffiness and wheezing to fever and shortness of breath.

Although earlier inspections showed that the Cygnus’s pressurized module was clean, Huot stated that an investigation is being conducted to determine the source of the mold. Officials are now aiming for a March 22 launch.

Don’t let a mold infestation bring activities at your home or business to a screeching halt. Our effective and eco-friendly mold treatment is usually completed in one day, creating minimum disruption to your daily routine. Contact Stern Mold today to schedule a free mold inspection.

Roof Leaks at Local High School Raise Mold Concerns

Rockland County, New York’s Ramapo High School is not having a winning year. Staff, students, and parents are all concerned about mold and fungus resulting from a leaky roof.

Keeping matters contained
Garbage cans are currently being used to contain the leaks, affecting two classrooms that have been closed off for the time being. Students and substitute teachers have complained of a bad smell emanating from the area. A district representative noted the two rooms affected have been isolated, but students and staff report a hall with the same issues still remains open and used.

“Deplorable” conditions…
State Senator David Carlucci toured the school Monday, February 1st after receiving multiple emails and calls from concerned parents. He noted dampness and odor, referring to the conditions at the school as “deplorable.” Carlucci posted photos of the damage on Twitter and took the matter to Albany this week in an effort to secure emergency funding for repairs.

Why the wait?
Dennis Walcott, appointed monitor for the school district due to internal fighting, stated residents voted down a bond proposal last year that could have covered the repairs, estimated at $1 million. The defeat of the proposal left the school sans-funds, and the recent blizzard added insult to injury with the weight of snow destroying previous patchwork and exacerbating leaks.

Ongoing problems
Air samples were taken the same day the senator visited. Results are still pending. The affected wing remains open for classes despite the issue. The school has previous citations from the state’s Department of Labor for mold and vermin.

Don’t live with the threat of mold and fungus. Schedule your free mold inspection with Stern Mold today.

Is Your House Sick? Find Out Before You Get Sick Too!

Natural disasters like the hurricanes and floods that have plagued the U.S. in recent years have left hundreds of thousands with homes that are uninhabitable and sometimes unfixable due to mold and fungus infestation. But you don’t have to suffer water damage of this magnitude for mold issues to develop.

Mold can grow anywhere moisture is present. Though you may never see or otherwise become aware of the presence of mold, it can nonetheless have a serious effect on your health.

An invisible menace
Outdoors, mold and fungus play an important role in the decomposition of organic matter. Indoors however, mold that has grown and reproduced behind walls, ceilings, floors, insulation, under carpets, and even in furniture and around appliances in overly moist environments can release invisible spores into the air, worsening the problem and affecting your health.

A formidable adversary
Mold spores can survive extreme variations in temperature and humidity, remaining dormant to survive dryness and cold until moisture and oxygen provide the fuel they need to grow and spread. Even the driest buildings house mold spores. In homes with indoor moisture problems, thousands of spores may contaminate each cubic foot of air.

Be wary of symptoms
Mold-related illness resemble allergies and present with:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Red, itchy eyes
  • Throat irritation
  • Cough
  • Asthma
  • Skin rash

The best offense…
Is a good defense. Though some molds found in homes can produce mycotoxins, most do not. In either case, however, your health may fall victim. Worried your home may be making you sick? Find out now. Identify molds and prevent their spread. Schedule your free mold and fungus inspection with Stern Mold today.

Judge Steps in to Force Mold Repairs in NY Public Housing

When federal Judge William H. Pauley found out New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) officials were not giving proper attention to mold treatment in public housing, he appointed a monitor to oversee the work and ensure the root cause of the mold is addressed. Judge Pauley said officials were jeopardizing the health and public welfare of NYCHA residents.

Mold is a widespread problem

Over 300 housing projects are known to have mold issues, many due to damage from Hurricane Sandy. Residents complained about the shoddy workmanship being done. They said workers were just scraping off visible mold and painting over the affected area. Judge Pauley’s decree should ensure the housing units receive proper mold treatment going forward.

NYCHA sued over mold

The National Center for Law and Economic Justice along with environment group The Natural Resources Defense Council filed a class-action suit against the city back in 2013.

Many occupants of NYCHA were experiencing health issues like asthma due to breathing mold spores. The Housing Authority quickly settled the suit and said it would complete needed repairs within 15 days of any work order.

Judge Pauley issued his ruling because officials were extending repair timelines and not providing proper mold treatment. Mold also came back in about 41 percent of the areas treated by the Housing Authority because workers were not eliminating the moisture source that was feeding mold colonies.

Landlords must take mold seriously

Mold can lead to serious health problems for some people. To protect your tenants’ health and yourself from lawsuits, choose Stern Mold for your mold treatment. We use the cost-effective MoldExterm method for thorough treatment with minimal downtime for you.

Could Mold be Causing Your Depression?

Depression Linked to Mold

Depression Linked to Mold

Indoor mold infestations have long been linked to allergies and upper respiratory ailments such as wheezing, runny nose and chronic sinus infections. As if that wasn’t enough, researchers have discovered another reason to seek effective mold treatment. Their studies show a strong connection between mold and depression.

Studying the correlation between mold and depression

Ironically, Brown University epidemiologist Edmond Shenassa and his team originally set out to debunk reports from the United Kingdom indicating the likelihood of a link. What they found, according to Shenassa, was “a solid association” between depression and the presence of mold.

The basis of the study was a statistical analysis of data from a survey conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO). Interviewers questioned nearly 6,000 adults across eight European cities on a variety of topics regarding housing and health, including symptoms of depression. During the visit, interviewers also made a visual check for signs of mold.

Physical and mental effects of mold

Shenassa is quick to point out that the study is not conclusive proof, but demonstrates a strong enough connection that he and his team are conducting follow-up research. He adds that depression appears to be driven by mold-related physical problems along with a perceived lack of control over living conditions.

Don’t put yourself and your family at risk for the negative health effects of mold. Our non-toxic MoldExterm system provides safe and effective mold treatment with little or no disruption of your daily activities. Visit our website to learn more about why Stern Mold is the answer to your mold problems.

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