Category Archives: Mold & Your Health

The CDC Links Aspergillosis with Mold and Fungi Exposure

The Link to Mold Spores

The Link to Mold Spores

It’s no secret that when you have a mold or fungus problem in your home, it can cause a lot of problems. We’ve known for a long time that mold can lead to difficulties with breathing, but the CDC has recently linked aspergillosis with mold and fungi exposure. This means that there’s never been a better time to get an NYC free mold inspection to be sure that you and your family are not risking your health.

What is Aspergillosis?

There are different types of aspergillosis, but they’re all problematic. They include:

  • ABPA – This usually affects those who have asthma or cystic fibrosis.
  • Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis – This usually affects those who have a chronic lung disease, such as COPD.
  • Invasive Aspergillosis – This usually affects those whose immune systems are already weakened from a disease, cancer treatments, or for other reasons.

Aspergillosis is not contagious, so it can’t be spread from person to person after contact. However, it can cause serious health problems for you if you’re in one of the above groups. Healthy people can breathe in the spores, and generally do so every day. However, if you’re not healthy then it’s best to take precautions to prevent breathing in these spores.

The Best Ways to Avoid Contracting Aspergillosis

You can avoid contracting aspergillosis by taking a few steps. Try to avoid construction sites, but if you work in construction, wear the appropriate facial mask at all times. You should also wear long pants and gloves when you’re working in soil. Above all, get a NYC free mold inspection to check your home for aspergillus spores. We can help you with that. Please contact us!

What Do Physicians Misdiagnose Mold Illness As?

Common Mold Illness Diagnosis's

Common Mold Illness Diagnosis’s

Perhaps you’ve been to your doctor because you were experiencing some strange symptoms. You’re not sure what was going on, but you trusted that your doctor was able to figure it out. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen. Many doctors are quick to offer diagnoses based on symptoms instead of on hard science. As a result, there are a lot of patients out there who have been misdiagnosed. It’s actually not uncommon for patients to eventually find out that mold was the source of their problems.

Mold and Your Health – Common Misdiagnosed Diseases and Ailments

It’s possible that this has happened to you, and while the diagnosis seemed strange you accepted it because, after all, you received it from a medical doctor. There are a number of diseases that have been falsely diagnosed because their symptoms mimicked those that manifest when people are exposed to mold. Some of these include:

  • Allergies
  • Stress
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

If you’ve been diagnosed with any of the above, mold might just be at the root of your symptoms.

Your Next Steps

When it comes to mold and your health, it’s very important for you to be proactive. If you disagree with a diagnosis that you’ve recently received, you don’t have to just accept it. You should ask for a full blood panel to prove that you have the ailment or sickness you’ve been diagnosed with. You should also get a mold inspection to find out if mold is something you need to be concerned about in your home or place of employment. Contact us to schedule your inspection today!


Mold and Depression – There May be a Link

Mold and Depression

Mold and Depression

Sometimes symptoms of depression can surface and they seem to coincide with various life events. Perhaps you move into a new home, begin a new job, or spend a great deal of time in a different area during the day. Then suddenly you start to feel pretty down. It turns out that there may also be a link between mold and depression.

Understanding Sick Building Syndrome

Sick building syndrome is a term that refers to what happens when you breathe in mold spores in poorly ventilated areas. Architecture has come a long way in recent years, but the most up-to-date designs of today are careful to seal off any cracks or holes that could allow pests and allergens to enter the buildings. This is true both for homes and for commercial buildings. The problem is that nothing can get out either, which leads to conditions favorable to the growth of mold and bacteria.

Have You Been Exposed to Mold?

If you think you’ve been exposed to mold, there’s no need to worry. Even though there’s a strong link between mold and depression, you can do a lot to combat it. You can:

• Get a NYC mold inspection done to determine whether or not you have a mold problem.

• Purchase a high quality air purifier to filter the air in your home or office.

• Take anti-fungal supplements to help combat allergy symptoms.

• Start taking a high quality probiotic to help your body build good bacteria and kill off the bad bacteria.

• Consider talking with your doctor about medication to help with depression symptoms.

If you think you’ve been exposed to mold, we can help! Contact us!

The CDC Weighs in on the Problem with Mold

CDC Weighs in on Mold

CDC Weighs in on Mold

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the preeminent organization in the United States devoted to protecting the nation from health and safety risks. Mold is considered such a serious threat that they have devoted an entire section of their website to facts and prevention tips.

Here is some of the helpful information CDC provides about the problem of mold and its impact on your health:

• Mold can be found everywhere. Thousands of species are present both indoors and outdoors, primarily in warm and damp locations, although spores can survive inhospitable conditions.

• Moisture is the primary culprit behind indoor mold. You can reduce the risk of mold infestation by controlling humidity, repairing leaks promptly and keeping damp areas well-ventilated.

• Exposure to mold can trigger upper-respiratory allergic reactions, although you don’t have to specifically suffer from allergies to experience health problems. Symptoms include nasal congestion, coughing and wheezing, and sore throat.

• While Stern Mold offers northern NJ and NYC free mold inspections, it’s not necessary or even recommended to identify the particular species. Any type of mold can present a health risk, so it should always be removed promptly.

• If you suspect mold exposure, consult your primary care physician immediately. He will determine your best course of action, which may include referral to a specialist.

Stern Mold Provides Effective, Eco-Friendly Mold Removal and Prevention

Safeguard the good health of yourself and your family. Schedule your northern NJ or NYC free mold inspection by our experienced and trained technicians. Have more questions? Visit our Mold Information Center to learn more.

Are You Allergic to Your Bed? Find Out Why.

Could Your Bed Be Making You Sick?

Could Your Bed Be Making You Sick?

If you’re experiencing allergy symptoms without finding any specific causes, you may want to blame your bed. People spend a third of their lives in bed, so it makes sense to ensure that it’s free of any of the following contaminants.

While you probably won’t see any of these contaminants (bacteria, fungi and allergens), they are there and while you sleep you’re contaminating your bed and breathing them into your lungs.

Mold and Fungi Spores

While mold and fungi are usually too small to see with the naked eye, studies have shown that they are often found in beds. Even minute amounts can cause a reaction so wash your bed sheets in hot water once a week. A NYC mold treatment may be necessary to alleviate allergy symptoms.

Dust Mite Droppings

While you might not be allergic to dust mites, you might be allergic to dust mite poop. Dust mites are found in four out of five homes in the United States, which means that they could very well be in your bed. Again, clean bed sheets will reduce this problem.


Familiar with sweating in bed? It’s something that everybody does. If you’re sick, you can transmit strep or staph infection of the skin if allowed to build up.

Pet Droppings

Your pet may be the apple of your eye, but its urine, dander or saliva could be causing an allergy flare-up.

Clean, dry bed sheets are key to healthy living, but when it comes to mold and your health, don’t take any chances. Contact Stern Mold today to discuss your NYC mold treatment options and schedule a free inspection.

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