Category Archives: Mold & Your Health

Celebrity Home Resale Sickens Buyers’ Daughter – Mold Found!

Protect Your Precious Family and Children from Mold

Protect Your Precious Family and Children from Mold

Even the Ultimate Fighting Championship league has a set of rules. According to a couple in California whose daughter developed terrible symptoms of mold-related illness, some of the most important rules of real estate were broken by star fighter Chuck Liddell’s agents.

Did Chuck Liddell Sell a House with Mold?

In 2014, Liddell put his home up for sale and the Smith family expressed interest. The deal fell through, so Liddell’s agent, Dustin Ward, let them rent the house and offered to find them a loan. They wound up in escrow for a home they didn’t really want.

However, the story takes a sordid turn as the Smith’s 9-year-old daughter began suffering from nose bleeds and respiratory problems. They also found a water leak they believe to be preexisting and known to Liddell’s camp.

The family alleges that Liddell and Ward knew about the leak and mold. They believe Ward aggressively pushed the Smiths into the home to cover up a failed inspection and pass off the mold-infested house like a hot potato.

With a conference set for late August, it looks like Liddell and the other defendants will have to agree to a settlement to avoid a trial.

Avoid the Nightmare, Call for NJ Mold Removal!

Home sellers and landlords bear responsibility for offering habitable homes with clear communication about any known mold damage. The good news is that modern NJ mold removal methods include the MoldExterm system which kills and seals off mold without having to renovate.

If your property has leaks, water spots, mildewy smells, or other signs of a mold problem, contact the NJ mold removal experts at Stern Mold.

Mold in Your Home – What to Know

What Do You Do When You Find Mold?

What Do You Do When You Find Mold?

When you suspect mold in your home, the first thing you should do is to set aside any feelings of panic or pointing fingers. There’s often nobody to blame for mold problems. Mold spores exist virtually everywhere on earth, and the bare necessities for mold to grow are present in every home—water, oxygen, and food.

At Stern Mold, we educate you about how to prevent mold, and believe that the best NYC mold removal treatment not only kills the present mold, but also keeps it from returning.

Mold Science 101

For starters, here are some basic facts about mold that every homeowner, apartment dweller, and landlord should know:

• Mold needs oxygen, so a sealed surface cannot grow mold underneath.

• Mold needs food, but its food can be wood, paper, or other bio matter.

• Mold needs moisture, so a holistic approach to NYC mold removal includes removing the root causes and adding dehumidifiers if necessary.

• Mold spores are invisible to the naked eye and can go inactive for months or years before regenerating a mold infestation if left behind.

The Latest NYC Mold Removal Method

Household cleaners can kill visible mold, but the tiny spores will remain unless you go through one of two options:

• Mold remediation, where a contractor rips out drywall and other infected areas

• Or MoldExterm, the less expensive, less invasive solution which applies a powerful fungicide and then seals the surface so any remaining spores cannot grow new mold

Our customer reviews demonstrate how fast, easy, and effective our NYC mold removal process is. Arm yourself with knowledge about mold, then take action and call Stern Mold for a free mold inspection!

Black Mold in Air Conditioning Unit Makes Woman Ill

Black Mold in Air Conditioning Unit Makes Woman Ill

Black Mold in Air Conditioning Unit Makes Woman Ill

If the science surrounding mold health issues has not made the problem clear enough, consider how a real person’s life can be turned upside down by toxic mold. In a Jacksonville apartment complex, one woman battled illness for months and eventually left her home behind when the management company did not pay for mold clean-up.

Shelby Nettles told reporters that persistent apartment mold problems gave her swelling, allergic reactions, and respiratory problems. She had racked up bills from repeated doctor’s visits.

This situation is a prime example of how many landlords handle mold problems less than ideally:

• The tenant falls ill or has worsening respiratory symptoms, unaware of the mold

• Mold gets discovered in the apartment, often in places such as the kitchen, laundry room, or air conditioning unit

• The landlord responds slowly or not at all

• Local media coverage tells the tenant’s story and calls out the management company

• Ultimately, the landlord pays the tenant’s health bills, refunds rent, or loses the occupancy

Property managers—how does your company respond to mold reports? Many are afraid of costly mold remediation and putting up tenants in hotels. But the problem gets worse without acting.

Our NYC mold removal process is cheap, fast, and minimally invasive. No need to tear out drywall; our MoldExterm system kills mold fungus and bacteria, then we apply a polymer sealant so spores cannot regenerate.

Landlords, renters, co-op owners, and condo residents should be aware of Stern Mold’s NYC mold removal service. Consider MoldExterm to be a tiny fraction of the cost as the smeared reputation and lost tenants that come with inaction. Contact us today for a free inspection and estimate.

Public Housing Apartments To Be Air Tested for Mold Spores

Don't Let Mold Problems Give You a Headache, Get Treatment Now

Don’t Let Mold Problems Give You a Headache, Get Treatment Now.

In a nightmare scenario for both tenants and the building owner, residents of an apartment complex in Toledo have recently been told to evacuate indefinitely for mold testing and treatment. The residents are using vouchers to subsidize their rent, and the local housing authority that usually provides the vouchers pulled their funding due to the many mold complaints.

This situation could easily happen in New Jersey, as well. Ultimately, the tenants are moving because the vouchers come from federal dollars—and federal guidelines for mold in public housing are very strict.

Landlords: First in Line to Solve Mold Complaints

After the drawn-out legal battle with NYCHA mold problems a few years ago and a series of notable apartment mold problems across the country, it’s clear that judges and regulators are cracking down on mold treatment.

Property owners should be prudent and call for NJ mold removal when tenants report mold. As is typical, the issue went untreated in a few units and spiraled into a building-wide problem.

The Convenient Solution for NJ Mold Removal

Safe to say, it’s cheaper and easier to bring in a NJ mold removal company than to face the headache, bad press, and income loss from something like a forced eviction.

Many property owners ignore mold complaints at first to give the tenant time to clean it themselves and out of fear that mold remediation will be costly and disruptive.

At Stern Mold, we can treat mold and prevent future problems without the need to open walls or relocate tenants. Contact us to schedule a free inspection and find out more about our MoldExterm system for NJ mold removal.

Learn About Mold: The Mold Life Cycle

Mold is Dangerous Be Prepared

Mold is Dangerous Be Prepared

The circle of life can be a beautiful thing, but not when it comes to mold colonies. The mold life cycle can be fascinating on a scientific level, but on the gut level, it’s just gross.

Understanding its life cycle helps shine light on why a scientifically-proven NYC mold removal service is necessary to break that cycle down.

The Life Cycle of Mold

Moisture, nutrients, and oxygen set the stage for the mold life cycle to begin. The cycle can be put on pause for years, then restarted when the spores find hospitable conditions again.

The first life stage of mold begins with a tiny filament called a hypha. Hyphae cells go unnoticed by the naked eye. They feed on wood, paper, food, or whatever organic matter they have found.

Matured hyphae then grow larger structures called mycelium, the hairy or fuzzy part of mold that you see. Mycelia extend into the air so their spores can easily spread.

Spores are the asexual reproductive parts of mold—essentially seeds that can grow new hyphae cells and start the process over again whenever the conditions are favorable.

Break the Cycle with NYC Mold Removal

Routine cleaning does not stop mold. If you spray a multi-purpose cleaner or even douse bleach on the mold spot, you might kill most of the mold but some hyphae and spores will remain.

That’s why our NYC mold removal process includes two steps: killing the fungus with an EPA-registered cleaning agent, then applying a polymer seal to create a lasting barrier.

Stern Mold’s NYC mold removal service is surprisingly affordable, fast, easy, and safe. Contact us today for a free mold inspection.

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