Category Archives: Mold & Your Health

The True Costs of Interior Mold Infestations

The Cost of Mold to Your Health

The Cost of Mold to Your Health

Mold is a problem that can easily go undetected for a long time. Mold spores are too small to be seen with the human eye and mold colonies often grow under sinks, in basements, behind walls, and in crawl spaces. The symptoms of mold-related illnesses can easily be misdiagnosed and mistaken for something else. This is how a seemingly minor moisture problem can lead to extensive medical costs due to mold sickness.

Report on the costs of mold-related illnesses

A 2016 study published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health on the economic burden of health issues from indoor dampness and mold exposure shows the true costs of mold are much more than many people realize.

The researcher estimates that allergic rhinitis costs Americans $3.7 billion every year. Annual costs of asthma morbidity are estimated at $15.1 billion and asthma mortality at $1.7 billion. The report goes on to say that Americans spend $1.9 billion on acute bronchitis.

Mold can lead to health problems for otherwise healthy adults and children, and it can cause serious health problems for people with compromised immune systems.

Economical NYC mold removal

Mold is a potentially serious problem that can be easily remedied. The MoldExterm method is faster, cleaner, more effective, and less costly than traditional NYC mold removal methods. You can take steps to protect your family by contacting Stern for a free mold inspection. If you already have a written mold remediation quote from a qualified mold service company, we will beat their price by 20% and provide you with up to a 5-year warranty. Most projects can be completed in one day.

Do You Know the Top Four Spots Where Mold Can Grow in Your NJ Home?

Mold - What You Really Need to Know

Mold – What You Really Need to Know

When you think about mold problems, you probably picture the places you’ve seen it with your own eyes—bath tubs, window sills, inside the refrigerator, etc. Unfortunately, mold often grows where the problem can go unnoticed. By the time you notice respiratory issues and the mold has spread around the home, you already need NJ mold removal to get rid of a large mess.

Mold needs water, oxygen, and energy, but it does not need sunlight. That’s why the top four areas for mold are dark, humid areas where it can hide:

Basement — Humidity in a basement stays fairly constant. Old newspapers or other organic matter serve as the food. Of course, you may not see mold begin to grow until it has spread quite a bit down in a dark basement.

Attic — Although attics are typically less humid than basements, the lack of ventilation makes the atmosphere similar. Hot air vents through the attic, keeping the temperature right where mold likes it. Eventually, mold will spread throughout the house across wood framing and through the ceilings.

Near plumbing — In the bathroom and kitchen, mold grows easily inside the wall or under cabinets. Ventilation and routine cleaning are key for prevention. Surfaces may need to be sealed to prevent future mold growth.

Behind appliances — Air conditioners, refrigerators, and other appliances that either use water or create condensation can all trap mold spores and allow them to grow.

Get an Inspection for NJ Mold Removal

Know the most common and hidden areas where mold can grow, and take action immediately if you see something! Stern Mold offers free inspections and guarantees results for NJ mold removal.

What NJ Parents Need to Know About Hidden Mold and Allergies

What Parents Need to Know About Mold to Protect Their Family

What Parents Need to Know About Mold to Protect Their Family

You wouldn’t feed your child moldy bread, but you may be letting them play around moldy surfaces without realizing it. With so much focus on understanding children’s allergies, it’s worth recognizing that about 1/3 of kids are allergic to mold.

Here’s what you should know about the prevalence of the problem and when to get NJ mold removal.

Mold Allergies Are Extremely Common

Food allergies get a lot of public attention, but mold is the second most common allergy in children after pollen. A child can be affected even if neither parent has similar issues. Watch for difficulty breathing, running nose, and other respiratory symptoms.

Be Aware of Indoor and Outdoor Mold

Outside mold grows heavily from spring through fall. Going apple picking or taking a hayride? Activities like those may be major triggers.

Being indoors does not make anybody safe from mold. You don’t need a leak or flooding problem to be concerned, because mold grows year-round indoors as long as there’s humidity present.

Take Action: Prevention and NJ Mold Removal Services

The best ways to protect your family from mold-related illnesses and allergy symptoms include:

– Use dehumidifiers for damp rooms

– Run bathroom fans for an extended period after showers

– Replace carpet with hard surfaces if possible

– Take care of plumbing leaks, dripping AC drain lines, and other moisture issues

Cleaning mold yourself can be hazardous and may exacerbate the problem. Know when to call for NJ mold removal!

Stern Mold uses a safe, EPA-registered cleaning agent and a scientifically advanced sealant that prevents mold growth even in troublesome spots. Contact us today for a free inspection and quote.

This is what NJ Real Estate Agents Need to Know About Mold Problems

Make Sure You Are Up to Speed on Mold in Real Estate Sales

Make Sure You Are Up-to-Speed on Mold in Real Estate Sales

Mold is a legitimate concern for anyone buying or selling a home. New Jersey real estate agents can empower their clients by educating them on the facts about mold and their best options for NJ mold removal.

Mold only grows where it has moisture, a food source, and the ideal temperature. Unfortunately, all three of these can be found in many homes across the United States. The presence of mold does not mean the house needs to be destroyed. The following are some facts real estate agents should know about mold.

No regulatory standards for mold

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), exposure to mold spores affects individuals differently. Indoor mold exposure is linked to respiratory illness in otherwise healthy people. The elderly, children, and people with a compromised immune system are most at risk.

New Jersey and other states do not currently have established standards for acceptable levels of mold inside a home. Most NJ mold removal companies recommend treatment if the level of spores inside is higher than those found outside.

Mold issues can be quickly remedied

The labor-intensive and costly old methods of ripping out all walls and materials affected by mold are no longer necessary. The MoldExterm treatment method is more effective, faster, less costly, and does not make a mess.

Not all mold remediation companies are equal

Be sure you and your clients use a company certified by the National Association of Mold Remediators and Mold Inspectors. Contact Stern Mold for a free inspection and we will beat your current written mold remediation quote/bid from an experienced and qualified mold remediation service firm by 20 percent.

After Mold Treatment, Is It Safe to Live in Your NJ House?

After Mold Treatment Is It Safe to Live in Your Home?

After Mold Treatment Is It Safe to Live in Your Home?

Mold inside a home can be a very serious problem that puts the health and well-being of all building occupants at risk. The largest study done on water damage in U.S. homes was conducted by John Spengler, Akira Yamaguchi Professor of Environmental Health and Human Habitation at Harvard. The Spengler study found that approximately 50% of U.S. homes and 85% of commercial buildings have water damage that is conducive to mold growth.

Mold just needs some food source like wood or paper, moisture, and the right temperature to thrive. Odds are high that your New Jersey home currently has mold or had mold at some time in the past. Choosing the best NJ mold treatment option is an important decision.

Is a home safe after mold treatment?

There are no established standards by any regulatory agency for how many mold spores can be inside a home. States like New Jersey have few regulations for mold remediation companies, so be sure to choose a NJ mold removal company certified by the National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors. Reputable mold remediation companies should also provide you with a comprehensive mold-free guarantee.

The best mold treatment method

Traditional NJ mold removal methods are labor-intensive processes that involve the removal of walls and other materials that had mold growth. This creates a lot of dust, take days or weeks to complete, costs a lot of money, and occupants need to live elsewhere while the work is underway. The MoldExterm method is quicker, less costly, and more effective. We can beat your current mold remediation quote by 20 percent. Contact us to learn more and for details on our guarantee.

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