Category Archives: Mold & Your Health

Can Exposure to Mold Cause Hair Loss?

Don't let mold cost your body more than it should.

Don’t let mold cost your body more than it should.

Have you experienced excessive hair loss? Don’t panic – you could have a mold problem! Mold is an invasive issue that causes countless troubling allergic reactions. Hair loss can occur in both adults and children because of mold infestation. Our Manhattan mold removal team strives to help locals lead healthier lives that are free of mold and its many disturbing symptoms. You can stop the hair loss with a little help from the mold experts!

Just Don’t Breathe

It’s extremely difficult to avoid frightening symptoms when the very air you breathe is infected with mold spores. Blood vessels or capillaries that allow life-giving blood to flow to your hair follicles can be inhibited by your body’s production of histamine. Histamine production is triggered by allergic reactions due to inhaling mold spores into the body. Too many mold spores in the air you breathe can eventually lead to baldness.

Stop the Downward Spiral

How can you protect your health and hair from the harmful effects of mold? Hiring our Manhattan mold removal team can get you on the right path to mold freedom. Manhattan locals are used to the high humidity levels in the area and so are mold spores. A thorough mold inspection by Stern Mold’s Manhattan mold removal experts can stop balding and get your health back on track.

After the mold problem is remediated your dormant hair follicles can reemerge. Your healthcare professional may recommend treatment options to help ensure your hair’s regrowth. There are various anti-fungal prescriptions available to help protect your body from the health-damaging mold infiltrating your peace of mind. Schedule a free inspection. We’ll help you rediscover healthy living again!

Types of Mold Testing for Your Home or Business

Be Proactive in Your Approach to Mold. Get Your Home Tested Today!

Be Proactive in Your Approach to Mold. Get Your Home Tested Today!

How can you know if mold growth is a threat to your home or business without doing a little research? It’s impossible! What isn’t impossible is the fact that mold removal expertise is readily available.

Stern Mold’s NYC mold removal team use mold tests to determine if mold is or will become an expensive problem in your future. There are many mold tests out there. With the right experts choosing which type of test will work for you, mold can become a thing of the past.

Type Testing

Mold comes in many different varieties. That’s why it’s important to have a variety of tests available to pinpoint a mold problem. Mold as a whole is not unique, but the tell-tale signs each type of mold produces can be wholly different. Here are some tests that mold removal teams use to identify the mold:

– Air Testing- This method evaluates the mold spores that may be lingering in the air.

– Bulk Testing- The material in your home is analyzed to determine what kind of mold concentration is in your home.

– Culture Testing- Here, live mold cultures are extracted and grown into larger mold colonies to identify the specific type of mold on your property.

– Surface Testing- Using swabs, tape or other collective materials, samples are taken from your home’s surfaces. These samples are analyzed in a laboratory.

Test Our Stern Mold Services

Our NYC mold removal crew knows how to retrieve and decipher results. If you are seeking answers, our methods and tested practices will keep you abreast of what mold could be doing to your property. Put Stern Mold to the test by contacting us today!

The First Steps to Take If You Think You Have Mold in Your Home

What Are the First Steps to Take If You Think You Have Mold?

What Are the First Steps to Take If You Think You Have Mold?

Is your home being attacked by an unidentified source? An overabundance of moisture in the air can create problems where there were none. When you combine your due diligence with the expertise of our Stern NYC mold remediation team, we can keep unwelcome house guests from invading your space. Read these preventative steps you can take to stop mold from creeping into your life unannounced.

Stepping Up

What can you do when your number one prime allergy-triggering suspect is mold? How can you protect loved ones from the health conditions that are commonplace with mold infestation? Here are a few ways knowledge acts as a safeguard for healthy living:

– Put your home to the test

The first step towards solving a problem is identifying the problem itself. Hire trusted professional mold experts to determine if your home is overwhelmed by mold. Testing ensures the type and amount of mold are identified.

– Do the research

Look for tell-tale signs of mold infestation. Search for information on the signs of mold exposure. If you know what to prohibit or address, mold doesn’t stand a chance!

– Keep off the scam train

Are you ready to take action and get rid of the mold? Don’t trust the first mold experts you find. Find out if they are licensed and how long they’ve been in business.

Vigilance is Key

Our Stern Mold NYC Mold remediation team stays on top of mold remediation so you don’t have to. We get you the information and relief you need to begin living a fulfilling and healthy life again. Just take the first step towards a mold-free home by setting up an inspection today!

Does Your Home Have Mold? How Do Doctors Diagnose Mold Allergies?

Mold Can Lower Your Home Value and Harm its Inhabitants. Contact us for Help Today!

Mold Can Lower Your Home Value and Harm its Inhabitants. Contact us for Help Today!

Are you under the impression that allergy season is all year round? Have curious symptoms been keeping you down for the count? Our Manhattan mold removal team at Stern Mold knows better! If you’ve been fighting allergy symptoms through every season, your home may have a mold issue. You need professional help from people who have all the inside information on mold infestation!

What’s Up Doc?

How can you tell if you’re allergic to mold? Visit the medical professionals! Here’s what they look at to determine if mold is really getting under your skin:

– Your doctor studies your medical history.

– A physical exam is administered to determine any possible health issues.

– The doctor will analyze the skin prick test they give you to test for mold allergy.

The skin prick mold test done by your medical professional can use different types of fungi to scratch or prick your skin. The doctor then determines if you have any reaction to it. The combination of the various procedures mentioned above is observed to determine whether mold is triggering your symptoms.

If you’ve discovered a mold allergy has been stopping you from living a higher quality of life, it’s time to trust the mold remediation professionals on Stern Mold’s Manhattan mold removal team!

Getting to the Source

Our Manhattan mold removal team can help you steer clear of mold and excessive doctor appointments. If you have mold allergies, the Stern Mold treatment we provide can save you time and money in the long term. We safeguard your health by ridding you of the fungi that are impacting your lifestyle! Contact us to get back to mold-free living!

Mold is Discovered After You Moved In – What to Know

After Mold Treatment Is It Safe to Live in Your Home?

After Mold Treatment Is It Safe to Live in Your Home?

NYC mold removal is sometimes a necessary evil especially when it’s discovered after you’ve moved into your dream home. When this happens, there are a few things you can do.

What to Know About Mold After the Fact

First, check with the city where your home is located to find out if there are any laws on the books regarding a seller selling their property without disclosing a mold issue.

In California, for example, the state’s Civil Code was amended requiring sellers to disclose that the home did have toxic mold. This only works if the seller “has knowledge” of such an existence, which leaves the door open for “I didn’t know” responses when asked.

If you’re able to prove the seller had knowledge of toxic mold prior to selling the property, you have a good chance of having the court rule in your favor for compensation. If you can’t prove the homeowner knew about the mold, be prepared to take care of the problem yourself by hiring a reputable NYC mold removal specialist.

The hope is that one day a standard mold inspection is the norm for prospective homebuyers. This would remove the “I didn’t know” and leave sellers on the hook for mold remediation.

Until then, it falls to the new home buyer to do their homework, question the seller and ask to see any reports they have involving a mold inspection, and consider having the home inspected on your own dollar before signing on the dotted line.

For professional help from those who know how to treat a mold problem, contact SternMold for immediate help using our latest innovative treatments.

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