Category Archives: Mold & Your Health

Mold Is Dangerous If Left Untreated

Mold Is Dangerous If Left Untreated

Mold Is Dangerous If Left Untreated

Is there danger lurking behind your walls, on your carpet or perhaps even in your ceiling? Trusted NYC mold removal experts can help alert you to the dangerous characteristics of mold spores before they become a personal threat to your health and well-being. When mold invades, property values plummet. Stop the hit to your health or business investment by addressing the costly danger right away.

A Wealth of Information

Mold doesn’t always give off obvious red flags. If you’ve had a recent leak or your home or property has experienced flooding, you may not notice mold growth until it’s already spread to various areas. Getting a mold inspection is key in ensuring your property’s usability or livability. Keep an eye out for these signals that mold may have already called your property home:

– You or other individuals experience difficulty breathing while in the building.

– Too many untouched empty crevices or spaces are left behind after water damaged materials are removed. (These barren spaces encourage mold growth.)

– Allergic reactions are prevalent. (Congestion, headaches and irritated eyes are a few symptoms triggered by mold.) There is no relief and quality of life begins to suffer.

Stern Safeguard’s Your Space

Save your health and earnings by investing in an NYC mold removal team that recognizes how dangerous mold can be. If your business or residence is no place of rest, get relief now! Prevent dangerous mold from infiltrating your peace of mind by hiring the best mold removal experts in your area. Let Stern Mold provide you with quality service and mold treatment that can ease your stress and eradicate mold! Click here and contact Stern Mold today!

No, Mold Is Not Impacted by Cold Weather – It is Still a Danger

Tips to Killing Mold Growth in Winter

Mold – An Indoor Toxin that Needs Prompt Attention

Does cold weather halt mold growth? Hot, humid air causes mold to grow so cold weather should stop spores–right? Actually, no. Cold weather can accelerate mold because it can produce excessive condensation. Your top NYC mold removal specialists know how mold is affected by cold and warm weather and how to get rid of it.

Protect and Prevent

During a chilly winter season, mold spores love to spread out. Water is key in the development of health-damaging mold cells. Condensation forms easily in hard to reach areas. Some of these items below can help shield your property from mold-causing molecules:

– Exhaust Fans

– Tarps

– Plastic Film

– Space Heaters

– Mortar Replacements

– Protective Roof Materials

Fans and heaters can help promote healthy air circulation and temperature control to keep mold from expanding. Protective materials to cover potential leak areas or condensation like mortar, roof paper, durable plastics or tarps can prevent further mold damage. Trusted NYC mold removal experts have some great tips to keep your property properly sealed and out of the elements.

How We Give a Stern Cleaning

Cold weather is uncontrollable and will inevitably occur. Mold growth is not uncontrollable. Our Stern NYC mold removal team knows what it means to give your property a clean bill of health. Our trusted methods deeply cleanse and remove the mold before it becomes hazardous to your health and property value.

We will help protect and prevent mold so you can enjoy your home or business no matter what the season holds! Contact us today for a thorough mold evaluation. Stern does the heavy cleaning so you don’t have to!

Flooding and Mold, What to Know?

Flooding and Mold, What to Know?

Flooding and Mold, What to Know?

In the aftermath of traumatizing natural disasters, flooding often occurs, which causes irreparable harm to lives and property. Hidden behind water-damaged walls lurks an even larger threat, the threat of mold. Keep yourself and your property safe from undergoing more damage by enlisting the help of mold experts.

When flooding occurs, skilled NYC mold removal teams are ready and willing to jump in and help you reclaim some peace of mind.

We Never Rest

Homes or businesses that have been invaded by flooding need help and fast because flooding can accelerate the process of mold growth. Stern Mold understands how quickly mold can invade what’s left of your investment. Mold spreads quickly, so save your lungs and your loved ones from health issues later on.

Our NYC mold removal team helps reduce the health-damaging effects of mold exposure. We know which tools are necessary to eradicate mold from your property.

Why Get Help Now?

There are specific groups of people who are more vulnerable to mold growth. If possible, make certain that these people steer clear of water-damaged areas when clean up is occurring:

– Young Children

– Older Individuals

– Chemo Patients

– Pregnant Women

– Those with Pre-existing Respiratory Issues

– Ill Children or Adults

– Allergy/Asthmas Sufferers

Protect Health & Property

Our NYC mold removal experts at Stern Mold want to provide you with the comfort you need after a flooding disaster occurs. Costly property losses are difficult enough without the possible threat of recurring health problems triggered by harmful mold. We help stop these unseen threats from wreaking havoc so you can deal with other flood-related problems. Contact us today for a free mold quote!

Yes, You Can Get Sick from Exposure to Mold in Your Co-Op

You Can Get Sick from Mold Exposure

You Can Get Sick from Mold Exposure

Mold is everywhere. It is a low-lying threat to residential dwellers and business owners and their employees. Have you noticed a trend in your workplace? Are dedicated employees reluctantly calling in sick? Your Co-Op could be undergoing a silent attack.

Mold grows and thrives in moist areas. Our NJ climate is rich with moisture and frequent high humidity levels. If you’ve noticed co-workers or yourself struggling with irregular symptoms, perpetual colds or other debilitating illnesses, mold exposure may have already occurred. Our NJ mold remediation team can help your Co-op crew run smoothly again.

Tips to Get Back in Tip Top Co-Op Shape

Besides scheduling a free inspection with our local NJ mold remediation experts, you can take a proactive stance to improve the workplace environment. Here are some simple adjustments you can make to prevent mold from affecting the day-to-day:

– Invest in a dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers suck out the moisture and help prevent more mold growth in the future.

– Take the heat for the heating bill. A warm office during cold weather is less likely to allow moisture to form on inside surfaces.

– Insulate against the cold. Adding insulation reduces condensation which is a favorite breeding place for mold spores.

– Keep the air circulation flowing. Stagnant air is great for mold but horrible for mold-sensitive or asthmatic employees. Simply open doors between rooms to keep the flow of air from lingering in one place for too long.

– Check and repair leaks. Leaks can be costly to fix, but the health concerns that can arise from mold exposure can be much more costly long-term.

Contact Stern Mold today! We work hard so you can keep working!

How to Prevent Mold After a Basement Flood

Get Help with Getting Rid of Mold

Get Professional Help with Getting Rid of Your Mold Problem

A flood can be devastating to your peace of mind, your property and your budget for many reasons. You may not be able to control flooding, but you can do something to prevent flooding from causing more unseen damage. Excessive water damages homes and businesses, but what can form after the water recedes can be even more dangerous.

Mold spores love moist walls, soaked sheetrock, and other vulnerable structural materials. Our Stern Mold Manhattan mold remediation process can help return that valuable peace of mind that floods wash away. Trusted skilled mold removal professionals in your area can solve the problems that arise after mold decides to call your home theirs.

It’s All About Removal

After flooding, removal is key to solving mold growth issues. Remove these items in your home to keep mold at bay and to protect your property:

– Move out any household items that are dry. This action can prevent your belongings from coming in contact with unhealthy mold spores. It also helps make the cleaning and mold removal process easier.

– Get rid of the water. First, ensure that it’s advisable to do so. It may be best to consult your local Manhattan Mold Remediation professionals first to determine your next move.)

– Wet carpets need to go. Carpet padding is a cesspool for mold spores.

– Cut out the drywall that has water damage. Mold growth burgeons in cavities and nooks.

– Wet insulation needs to be extracted. Insulation can be contaminated by moisture and produce mold.

Stern Mold believes there can be peace of mind after a flood! Let our Manhattan Mold Remediation team help you prevent mold from affecting your home life.

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