Everything You (Didn’t) Want To Know About Mold Remediation

Becoming More Aware of the Mechanics Behind Mold Remediation
So you suspect a mold infestation in your home or building. What’s the next step? Our NYC mold removal experts fill you in on state requirements for effective mold remediation.
1. Mold Licenses Are Not One-Size-Fits-All
Mold remediation involves three separate jobs, each of which requires a specific license. A mold assessment contractor will inspect and evaluate your property to determine the presence of mold. If there is an infestation, a mold remediation contractor will head up the project using mold abatement workers in his employ.
Since mold generally develops due to excess moisture, you’ll need to find and address that situation. Assessment, remediation and abatement licensees are forbidden by law to complete that job, which must be done by a county-licensed home improvement contractor.
2. Mold Remediation Is a Two-Company Job
Under mold licensing laws, the same person or company can’t perform both assessment and remediation on a single job. This also holds true when an individual owns an interest in two separate companies. A searchable database listing licensed mold contractors is available on New York State’s Department of Labor website.
3. All Plans and Reports Must Be Submitted in Writing
Necessary documentation includes:
* Itemized mold remediation plan, post-remediation assessment and clearance report from the assessment contractor
* Work plan from the remediation contractor
Stern Environmental: Your First Choice for NYC Mold Removal
Whatever your mold remediation needs are, we have licensed and experienced team members to handle them. Contact us today to schedule a free mold inspection.