Take Moldy Smells Seriously – It’s Your First Sign Something Is Wrong

Are Mold Spores in the Air of Your Home?
Don’t assume that dank, musty odor is from damp towels. Even if there are no visible signs, moldy smells can send an alarm that your home is in need of NYC mold removal.
Why Mold Smells Funny
Mold emits mVOCs, or microbial volatile organic compounds, that produce a distinctly unpleasant odor. Think of a locker room or a waterfront cottage that’s been closed up for a lengthy period. Airborne spores may also cause mild irritation in your nostrils.
Those mVOCs causing that rank smell can also trigger upper-respiratory symptoms including sneezing, itchy eyes and coughing. People with pre-existing lung conditions or weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable.
Tracking Down Moldy Odors
Once you identify the room where the moldy smell is strongest, the next step is to zero in on the specific culprit. Areas with excess moisture, such as leaky pipes, are likely candidates. Other possible sources include:
• Clothes washers and dishwashers
• Towels, shower curtains and bathmats
• Secondhand purchases, such as furniture or clothing
• Soil in potted plants
• Garbage cans and wastebaskets
• Pet bedding
Professional NYC mold removal will eliminate the infestation, but you can take steps to get rid of the smell:
• Open windows and turn on a fan.
• Put out open containers of white vinegar or baking soda.
• Wash fabrics in hot water.
Stern Mold: Experienced and Professional NYC Mold Removal
Don’t struggle with mold removal on your own. Contact us to schedule a free mold inspection by our cheerful and knowledgeable technicians.