How Do You Reduce Mold Spores in the Air?

Are Mold Spores in the Air of Your Home?
Microscopic mold spores are constantly floating in the air, making mold infestations an ever-present threat. Our NYC mold removal experts offer helpful tips on reducing mold spores as well as excess moisture enabling their growth.
Tips to Reduce Mold Spores and Excess Moisture
• Mold colonies generate mold spores. Use a mold removal product to eliminate visual signs of infestation. If the affected area is more than a small patch, contact our NYC mold removal team for effective elimination.
• Install air purifiers with HEPA filters capable of capturing more than 99 percent of particles. Place one in each room of your home for maximum results.
• Add HEPA filters to air conditioners and windows to keep external mold spores from entering your home.
• Basements, kitchens and bathrooms are the areas most vulnerable to mold. Keep these rooms as dry as possible, making sure they’re well-ventilated. Check regularly for broken or leaky pipes and repair them immediately.
• Leaves and other debris accumulating in gutters can lead to mold being carried into your home. Clean and inspect gutters often, especially after rainstorms.
• Use dehumidifiers to reduce moisture content in the air. Set the dehumidifiers at 50 percent or lower.
• Place wet clothing and shoes outdoors to dry. Leave them in an area with good circulation and check for mold before bringing the items back indoors.
Two-Step NYC Mold Removal from Stern Mold
Our MoldExterm program efficiently removes mold and seals surfaces to prevent future growth. Contact us to schedule a free mold inspection.