How Do Mold Spores Get in the Air?

How Do Mold Spores Get in the Air?
Mold spores pose a double threat to homes and businesses. Spores are the vehicles by which mold grows and colonizes as well as the trigger for allergic reactions. Here’s a look at how mold spores get in the air and why controlling spores is important for Manhattan mold removal.
Mold Spores Are Everywhere
While mold spores aren’t visible to the naked eye, they constantly surround us indoors and out. Outdoor spores aren’t generally a cause for concern except during summer months, but prolonged exposure to indoor spores can pose a health risk any time of year.
Controlling Mold Spore Levels
It’s not possible to eliminate all indoor mold spores. Since mold growth generates more spores, preventing infestations will keep spores at a manageable level.
Moisture is key to mold growth. Once a spore lands on a spot of moisture, it begins reproducing immediately. Be proactive by repairing leaks, cleaning up floods and spills and reducing the amount of humidity.
If you do find mold in your home or business, cleaning it up is only part of the solution. Determine what created the conditions for mold development, such as a leaky pipe or poor ventilation, and take appropriate steps to correct the problem.
Turn to Stern Mold for Safe and Effective Manhattan Mold Removal
Put an end to mold with our two-step MoldExterm program which removes infestations and leaves a barrier to prevent reoccurrences. Contact Stern Mold today for a free inspection by our cheerful and experienced Manhattan mold removal experts.