What Illnesses Are Caused by Mold Exposure and Mold Spore Inhalation

What Illnesses Are Caused by Mold Exposure and Mold Spore Inhalation
Mold infestations are unsightly, but health risks presented by circulating mold spores are a more urgent consideration. Our Manhattan mold removal services reduce the danger of contracting a number of illnesses connected with exposure to and inhalation of mold spores.
Upper Respiratory Symptoms
As mold spores are inhaled, they tend to settle in the moist, sensitive membranes lining nasal passages. The immune system attempts to battle these “intruders” by producing antibodies, which results in reactions such as coughing, sneezing and itchy, watery eyes. People with pre-existing allergies are more vulnerable to these ailments, but even individuals with no history of allergies can become susceptible.
Lung Diseases
• Studies have shown a possible link between mold exposure and asthma in children. While to date there’s no evidence this applies to adults, mold exposure can increase the frequency and severity of attacks with individuals who already suffer from asthma.
• Aspergillosis is a range of diseases taking their name from Aspergillus, which is the specific form of mold that triggers them. Examples include Aspergilloma, a literal fungus ball that forms in lungs or sinuses, and chronic pulmonary aspergillosis, where cavities form in the lungs over three or more months
Impaired Brain Function
Surprisingly, medical researchers have found evidence suggesting a connection between mold exposure and depression along with impaired cognitive abilities such as memory and impulse control.
Safeguard Your Health with Manhattan Mold Removal
Good health is an invaluable asset. Gain peace of mind when you contact Stern Mold to schedule a free mold inspection.