What the EPA Wants You to Know About Indoor Air Quality

Prevent Illness with NYC Mold Experts
Do you assume the air you breathe in your home or office is clean? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) explains the effects of common indoor air pollutants and why NYC mold removal and other methods of control are essential.
What Is Indoor Air Quality?
Indoor air quality, or IAQ, is a measure of pollutants found in the air inside and surrounding buildings. IAQ is determined primarily from the perspective of factors affecting health and comfort of occupants.
Effects of Exposure to Indoor Air Pollutants
Short-term effects of exposure to pollutants include upper respiratory symptoms such as irritated eyes, runny nose and scratchy throat. Some people may also experience headaches, dizziness and fatigue. Severity of effects is often in proportion to a person’s vulnerability to allergies.
Years of exposure can cause more troubling effects, especially in the elderly or people with pre-existing lung or immune system conditions. Unfortunately, absence of symptoms doesn’t guarantee that a home or building is “clean.”
How Mold Impacts IAQ
Mold spores travel through the air into the respiratory system. Symptoms of exposure to mold and other pollutants are similar to those of colds and other viral conditions. If symptoms diminish or disappear during periods away from a building, that’s a reasonable indication that pollutants are the cause.
Your #1 Choice for Effective NYC Mold Removal
Studies are unclear as to the amount of exposure that constitutes dangerous levels, so don’t take any chances. Contact Stern Mold to schedule a free mold inspection.