Mold Cleanup Tips from Our Professionals

DIY Mold Clean-Up Tips
Have you discovered a small patch of mold growing in your home or building? If the area covers less than 10 square feet, you may be able to clean it yourself. Our Manhattan mold removal professionals offer some helpful DIY mold cleanup tips.
How to Clean Up Mold
-If mold was caused by leaks, repair them as soon as possible and completely dry all affected areas.
-Use a mixture of detergent and water to scrub mold from hard surfaces. Bleach and other chemicals are not recommended for mold cleanup.
-Don’t attempt to cover mold with paint or caulk. Clean and dry surfaces thoroughly before applying any substances.
-Disposal is the best treatment for infested carpets, ceiling tiles and other porous items. Mold penetrates the spaces of porous items, making cleanup virtually impossible.
-Avoid direct contact with mold. Wear gloves, goggles and a respirator during cleanup. Keep others away from the infested areas unless they are also wearing protective equipment.
-Even if mold is successfully removed, it may result in staining and cosmetic damage.
-Once mold is cleaned up, improve ventilation and clean more often to prevent it from returning.
-If mold is caused by contaminated water or it’s infested the HVAC system, don’t attempt to clean it yourself. You should also consult a professional if an infested item is expensive or has sentimental value.
Turn to the Top Manhattan Mold Removal Experts
When it comes to mold cleanup, you can’t afford to guess. Our Manhattan mold removal team has extensive experience with mold cleanup in any situation, no matter how big or small. Contact Stern Mold to schedule a free mold inspection.