How Can You Decrease Your Exposure to Mold?

Don’t Let Your Mold Problems Grow.
People are exposed to mold every day and quite often they don’t even realize it until it’s too late, and so it makes them sick. Fortunately, there are ways that they can decrease their exposure to it, keeping them and their family much safer and healthier.
As your Manhattan mold removal specialists, we want to share this information with you so that you can protect yourself and your loved ones as well.
Decreasing Your Mold Exposure
With some vigilance and preparation, it can be easy to decrease your exposure to mold. The following tips can help:
– Avoid areas that may have mold, such as compost piles, wooded areas and grass clippings.
– Control the humidity levels inside your home.
– Ventilate shower areas.
– Ventilate cooking areas.
– Prior to painting, add mold inhibitors to paint.
Sometimes mold can become a problem even when you’ve been careful trying to avoid it in your home. When it does, you can call upon Manhattan mold removal, or you can try to remove it yourself in some circumstances.
Removing Mold in Your Home
If you have mold growing on a hard surface in your home, you may be able to remove it with a few products from your local store. You can also use soap and water, or a mixture of one cup of bleach and one gallon of water.
If you decide to use bleach, the CDC gives the following recommendations:
– Always wear protective gear (goggles, rubber gloves and boots) to protect yourself.
– Clean the area first to ensure removal.
– Open windows and doors to ventilate the area.
Manhattan mold removal is no problem for us. Contact us for assistance!