Using Fans Proactively to Prevent the Growth of Mold in Cold Weather

Using Fans Proactively to Prevent the Growth of Mold in Cold Weather
Stagnant areas of air can quickly become a mold paradise. Rooms that have good airflow may prevent spores from claiming your property as their permanent residence. How can you keep toxic mold from running roughshod over your carefully laid plans? If you employ the right methods and utilize trusted Manhattan mold removal professionals, you’ll be able to proactively put your mold worries to rest.
If You’re Not a Fan of Mold
What do you do when humidity and air flow work to promote mold? When mold spores begin to cohabitate with you in your space, it’s time to check the ventilation system. Here are a few ways fans/vents can stop mold from becoming a threat to your health and home:
– Use what you have. Do you have fans in your bathroom or over your stove in the kitchen? If you do then use them. Air circulation keeps invasive mold spores from hanging around.
– What are the ventilation options in your home or business? Do certain rooms feel more cloistering than others? Place ventilation fans in those areas.
– Make sure any fans or vents are regularly cleaned. Proper cleaning ensures the ducts don’t become potential fire hazards or ineffective against mold.
– Are your fans directing moisture or steam into areas without ventilation? Check any ventilation systems that direct air outside of your home to make sure they aren’t causing mold growth in outdoor building eaves.
Your Number One Fan
Our Manhattan Mold Removal team knows the importance of air circulation and mold remediation. We use the best tools to keep mold out. Contact Stern Mold’s Manhattan mold removal experts today and begin to breathe easier!