Brace Yourself: Mold Spores Grow in Cold Uninsulated Spaces

Brace Yourself: Mold Spores Grow in Cold Uninsulated Spaces
Stern’s NYC mold removal experts know the truth! The onslaught of freezing temperatures doesn’t guarantee your home or business is safe from mold. Mold spores are very resourceful. How do you brace yourself for a mold attack? Remaining diligent is key.
In Your Best Interest
How do you keep mold from creating an insurmountable dent in your spending budget? Typically, humid climates and unaddressed leaks are prime suspects in enabling a thriving mold environment, but Stern’s NYC mold removal experts will be the first to tell you mold doesn’t play favorites.
Mold spores attach easily and can grow on uninsulated exterior walls, spaces, and materials during the colder seasons. A closer evaluation of your property can shed some clarity on potential mold threats and future costs.
A Chilly Welcome
During winter, a dependable heat source can keep the chill away. When warm air meets an unprotected cold surface in your building, moisture-seeking mold could latch on. Even if you turn off your source of heat, that’s no guarantee mold will not find its way into your building or residence.
Even if you give mold a chilly reception, mold spores are notorious for finding a way to destroy your health and happiness. That’s why it’s important to periodically check for mold spores in or around building areas like these:
– Exterior windows that have no surrounding insulation.
– Exterior walls exposed to cold temperatures.
– Cold room(s) or closets along outer walls.
– Basements or attics where condensation can collect without being noticed.
Are you worried you have mold in your home? Contact Stern Mold today to find out how their solutions can warm your heart and hearth this winter!