Tenants Are Frustrated by Landlords’ Lack of Action on Mold Problems

Living in a House with Mold can Take its Toll on Your Body.
The frustration is real. Countless cases of lack of attention to mold concerns are causing health problems and tensions to mount between tenants and property owners across the country. What’s going on? How can this be remedied?
Airing Out the Issues
Mold spores increase in moisture-laden building materials. They thrive on the inexperience or inability of others to quickly attend to leaks, excessive humidity, stagnant air and water run-off with nowhere to go. If these trouble areas are addressed, mold spores don’t have anything to feed on.
When mold spores colonize, one call to an NYC mold removal expert team can diagnose and address the mold. The consequences that come from a lack of action can be traumatic for all involved.
Easy Fixes
Whether you’re a tenant or a property owner, a mold problem can seem insurmountable at first glance. From a tenant’s standpoint, the threat to their good health far outweighs any cost. From a property owner’s perspective, mold issues can pose unknowns that seem foreboding and expensive.
Information is key and as the old adage goes “knowledge is power.” Enlisting your local NYC mold removal company to inspect the problems can help shed a little hope and calm on any potential or current mold issue.
Sometimes You Just Have to Get Stern
Stern Mold provides tenants with peace of mind and owners with a positive way to keep their property value up and their complaint list down. They strive to address every mold concern with their experience and professionalism. If you’re seeking a way to erase mold from the picture in your home or business, contact Stern Mold today!