Interior Mold – A New Jersey Winter Problem

Get Help with Getting Rid of Mold During Winter Months
Are you preparing your home or property for winter in New Jersey? In the colder months, the threat of mold grows. Mold growth is still prevalent during Jersey winters because of moisture and humidity.
Do you want to keep the chill outside where it belongs? When your heating system crosses paths with cold roofs, condensation can form. Your local NYC mold removal team knows exactly what condensation can mean to your home. It starts with “M” and ends with trouble. Mold!
Do Your Mold Prep Work
When wintering your home for the colder weather, a checklist often helps to speed up and organize the process. Here’s a quick list of things you can do to ensure mold isn’t a threat to your health during New Jersey’s yearly freeze:
– Guard your roof. Trim your trees, get rid of any potential falling limbs that could put a hole in your holiday budget and your roofline.
– Call a good plumber. Leaks are open invitations for mold to come and coexist in your living space. Get your plumbing maintenance done ahead of time and save yourself high costs later on.
– Go for deep gutter cleaning. Falling branches, leaves, dirt and grime can clog up your gutters or downspouts leading to potential excessive moisture. Clear up the spaces that water travels through and invest in some downspouts that keep the water away from your home.
Choose a Trusted NYC Mold Removal Team
Start your season off right with a little help from the NYC Mold Removal Experts. Stern Mold wants to ensure your health and comfort this winter. Contact us today and we’ll help your lifestyle stays warm and bright!