Mold is Discovered After You Moved In – What to Know

After Mold Treatment Is It Safe to Live in Your Home?
NYC mold removal is sometimes a necessary evil especially when it’s discovered after you’ve moved into your dream home. When this happens, there are a few things you can do.
What to Know About Mold After the Fact
First, check with the city where your home is located to find out if there are any laws on the books regarding a seller selling their property without disclosing a mold issue.
In California, for example, the state’s Civil Code was amended requiring sellers to disclose that the home did have toxic mold. This only works if the seller “has knowledge” of such an existence, which leaves the door open for “I didn’t know” responses when asked.
If you’re able to prove the seller had knowledge of toxic mold prior to selling the property, you have a good chance of having the court rule in your favor for compensation. If you can’t prove the homeowner knew about the mold, be prepared to take care of the problem yourself by hiring a reputable NYC mold removal specialist.
The hope is that one day a standard mold inspection is the norm for prospective homebuyers. This would remove the “I didn’t know” and leave sellers on the hook for mold remediation.
Until then, it falls to the new home buyer to do their homework, question the seller and ask to see any reports they have involving a mold inspection, and consider having the home inspected on your own dollar before signing on the dotted line.
For professional help from those who know how to treat a mold problem, contact SternMold for immediate help using our latest innovative treatments.