Yikes – Mold Can Grow in Water and in Water Pipes

Mold May Be Growing in Your Plumbing
NYC mold remediation specialists have seen all kinds of interesting things. Including mold in water pipes. Yes folks, lurking deep in the depths of your plumbing system, you may have a mold situation.
Could there be Mold in the Pipes at Your Home?
Mold needs 3 things to survive: Water, oxygen, and food. Luckily, most properly sealed and functioning water lines don’t have this grand trifecta. But some do. What puts your home’s water pipes at risk of mold infiltration?
How Mold Gets into Water Pipes
Those whose homes suffer mold issues often wonder why they were so unlucky, or what they did wrong. The truth is, mold is everywhere. Spores that are transported through the air can land in any location. And this includes improperly sealed pipes, such as a damaged or improperly sealed well cap. Once there, pending the right variables, your pipes could become contaminated by mold.
Factors that Encourage the Growth of Mold
Once inside your plumbing, mold can find a hospitable home in pipes with copious leaks, cracks, and air infiltration, which provide the oxygen necessary to survive. Some water sources themselves, including city water, are also high in oxygen. In homes with in-line filters and paper/cellulose filter cartridges, they find a copious food source, moving in to stay without careful treatment.
Ugh – There’s Mold in My Pipes – Now What?
To successfully clear mold from pipes, disinfection via shock chlorination or UV light may be necessary. The issues contributing to mold exposure, such as leaks/cracks, must also be addressed.
Unwanted visitor in your home? Kick mold out with the professional NYC mold remediation services of SternMold today.