Mold Adversely Affects Infants and Children – What Parents Should Know

Mold Adversely Affects Infants and Children – What Parents Should Know
Many homes – over 50 percent – have been affected by water damage. Whether from a leaking roof, burst pipes, or a broken water heater, water has seeped in and left behind toxic mold, which can leave children not feeling well.
Toxic Mold Health Issues
Mold is a leading threat to children’s health around the world and presents itself in many ways. Just a few of the symptoms related to mold include:
– Flu-like symptoms
– Sore Throats
– Ear aches
– Coughing
– Painful joints
– Immune disorders
– Sinus infections
Steps to Take
One of the first steps to take is getting up-to-date on mold and the effects it may be having on your family. This is especially helpful if family members are sick and the doctor can’t seem to cure the problem.
Mold is often in hidden places like the basement, attic, crawl spaces, and behind drywall. Whether mold spores are present or not, schedule an inspection by a professional specializing in mold removal in New Jersey.
Once the home is inspected and a plan of action in place, you’ll be taking a positive step to help put family members on the road to recovery.
When you’re faced with a mold issue in your home, contact Stern for professional mold removal in New Jersey. Our experienced staff will provide a free inspection of your home and address your concerns quickly so everyone can breathe easier and enjoy better health.