NYC Mold Removal – Mold Reaction What’s at Stake?

Mold Affects People Differently By Age and Medical Condition
Mold hits some people harder than others, but anyone can experience a negative mold reaction. The symptoms can range from itchy eyes to serious respiratory illnesses, so it’s always safest to call for NYC mold removal if you think you have an infestation.
At-Risk Groups for Mold Reactions
If you manage an apartment building, hotel, or office space, it’s virtually guaranteed that some of your tenants and guests will be at high risk for mold-related health problems. Homes with children or elderly family members should be on alert, too.
Health conditions linked to mold reactions include:
– Asthma and allergies
– Cancer or chemotherapy
– Lung disease
– Liver disease
– HIV or other immune disorders
Mold Affects Everyone
When exposed to mold in large quantities or for an extended period of time, even a healthy adult with no known allergies might develop a reaction. The most common symptoms:
– Itchy, red eyes
– Runny nose
– Dermatitis (rashes)
– Wheezing, irritated lungs
– And other allergy and respiratory problems
NYC Mold Removal Prevents an Expensive Disaster
Too often, the health effects of mold go unnoticed while people struggle through months of coughing, sneezing, and allergic reactions to mold.
In the worst case scenario, an entire office or apartment building might see several tenants hospitalized due to mold reaction. A tragedy for the victims, and perhaps a costly lawsuit for the landlord.
With so much at stake, consider getting a mold inspection sooner rather than later for NYC mold removal services.
The inspection is free, and Stern Mold uses the MoldExterm system that is less costly and disruptive compared to traditional tear-out methods.
Contact Stern Mold for NYC mold removal with a lasting solution.