NYC Mold Removal – Do You Have a Mold Removal and Remediation Plan?

NYC Mold Removal – Do You Have a Mold Removal and Remediation Plan?
While there’s no doubt that mold found in your home or business needs to be eliminated, it’s important to make sure you have a plan in place. Mold removal and remediation can interrupt your family’s or your company’s day-to-day routine until it’s complete, especially if there is a lot of mold present or if a large portion of the building has been affected.
Mold Remediation and Removal Plan
When you need NYC mold removal or remediation at your home or business, you will need to think about whether or not your family or your employees or tenants will have to go elsewhere temporarily. For example, if you’re dealing with a large mold problem, certain health risks might require anyone in the building to leave while work is being done. This helps lower the risk of health issues that can occur when mold is disturbed, which is particularly important for those who have respiratory problems, such as asthma.
Scheduling Considerations
When it comes to creating a plan for mold removal and remediation, you’ll also need to consider scheduling. For residential buildings, this work might be less likely to disrupt you and your family if it’s done during the day while the kids are at school. For commercial buildings, it’s important to schedule mold removal and remediation so that it minimizes disruptions to your daily operations, especially if it’s a large mold problem.
If you need NYC mold removal in your home or business, please contact Stern Mold for more information about our services. We can safely eliminate mold in residential and commercial buildings in NYC, NJ and Long Island.